I love the Central Library. This is a picture of the Journals collection on the fifth floor, but what really was love at first sight for me was the open shelves section which takes up more than half of the third floor. I still remember my first day of school when the librarian informed us blur little freshmen that the open shelves were downstairs, and upon rounding the corner, we were greeted with literally hundreds of shelves, *filled* with books. I was immediately besotted. :P
Yes, listen to my inner nerd waxing lyrical. :)

A sign posted beside a Literature prof's office door; most likely put up by he himself. This prof was my lecturer when I took the Literature intro module in my first semester, and he always has funny stuff stuck on his door.
The second picture is just to show you that "six doors away" is actually the door out of the Literature department. :P

After stepping down as exco, I'm now just a school archer. And this is how we occupy ourselves when the new batch of juniors are being taught how to shoot. Here's Nic and Weizheng playing tic tac toe, archery style. Other activities in the lao jiao club also include playing blackjack, *also* archery style-- a score of 21 is counted as blackjack. :)

Now for something from hall. When room doors become like a chatroom for the entire floor--posting one message after another, yelling at each other, goading each other on, and all the other things friends do for fun.
When else are we ever going to have the chance to experience things like these again...?
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