Monday, September 17, 2007

Wow. Haven't blogged for quite a while.

Honours year surprises me in some ways; I seem to be spending more time this semester having group discussions and such than I ever have in previous semesters. Perhaps it's coz most of us have similar timetables, given that many of us are all taking the same level 4000 modules, so we kinda have more time to discuss group projects and such.

Readings are also snowballing a lot faster this semester than in previous ones; some of them are really deep and philosophical and confusing-- they make you wanna throw them aside the minute you read the first paragraph, which utterly confounds you. Some of them are incredibly long; you wouldn't believe they're just "papers"-- you'd think they were whole chapters of books. Very long chapters, at that.

Some of them, for some modules, are just intimidatingly numerous-- how to complete four readings for one class when you still have to complete the others for the other modules??

But I suppose I'll have to do catching up in the week of the mid-sem break. Sigh.

Misery does enjoy company; it's relieving to know that among my Honours batch, I'm not the only one whose brain feels rather "dry" this sem-- this sem, of all semesters, when we're supposed to be formulating research questions and planning research and interviews for theses and ISMs and whatnot.

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who hasn't yet figured out how exactly to approach their ISM topic; I'm glad I'm not the only one who hasn't found a supervisor.

I'm glad that my batch are friendly people who can let their hair down and have a good party; I'm glad that the professors and lecturers in my department are the amiable, sociable folks they are-- it's times at these that I especially love the major which I've chosen.

SAFRA shoot is this Saturday and Sunday; I didn't want to participate in Pesta Sukan earlier, in August, coz I felt I didn't have enough stamina yet; not enough regular training as of late.

Thought I might have had some time to build up stamina in time for SAFRA, but it seems that I wasn't fast enough and was probably a bit too slack during training. Add to that the fact that we're shooting triple-face targets for the individual round as well as the team round, and I know I have a mental "problem" with the triple-face.

I hope my "competition sense" saves me; *something* has always spared me from doing too dismally during competition-- I don't know what it is, but I hope it doesn't desert me now. I hope I still have some time to build up more strength and stamina, no matter how limited the time seems. I hope I don't let myself down. And even more, I hope I don't let my teammates down.