Tuesday, July 13, 2004

Shaun is easily amused.

Jian Wu is easily scared--shouldn't say that--

Of lizards. Or by lizards. Whichever way you want to put it. :P

Coz we were twiddling around with the fortress part of the structure today when a tiny brown lizard scarpered out from underneath and Shaun was watching it go and he went, "So cute!"

Er, I was a little surprised that he said that (no guy that I've ever known before this would say something like that in a situation like this; they'd probably think it, but maybe not say it), but I agreed, anyway. Because it was cute. :)

Picked it up; not a very wise thing to do, not knowing exactly what the heck it is, but I picked it up anyway; funny thing is that whenever I tried to give it over to either Shaun or Wei Liang, it always jumped right out of their hands. Stayed pretty still in mine though.

And Shaun seemed rather fascinated by the fact that you could see its little lungs drawing breath and everything; it was still a baby, so the skin was rather translucent.

Ah, and I scared Jian Wu by handing it to him. :P

I mean, I closed my fingers over it, and I stretched out my hand to him as he was coming down the stairs, and then he was standing in front of me and asking me, "What?" as he looked down at my hand.

So I opened my hand and the little lizard was sitting in there calmly and Jian Wu jumped back about a foot. :P Heehee.

Saw Wan Tsin and Pam when their SWAPS camp groups came past the place where we were working. They seemed to be having fun.. :)

Chicken wire is evil. Scratches all over the place.

Twine is semi-evil too. Maybe not. My fingers hurt again. Pulling silly twine and whatnot. And now my hands have strange red marks all along the side from pulling the twine.

And I'm actually laughing at myself. Laughing at myself because my stupid hands hurt. What kind of stupid weird little bugger are you, you stupid girl?!

Biggest eejit alive is what I am.

And in other news.. the guys are putting the girls to shame. Song Kwang can bake cookies... I've never known any guys that can bake, so Song Kwang's the first. Good for him, anyway. And now we learn that Shaun can cook lasagna.

*Buries head in sand*

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