Friday, February 15, 2008

A Valentine's caper.

In which Gerri bakes an Oreo cheesecake for the first time. :)

I've only ever baked cheesecakes before, never the version with Oreos added. So for this version, I used 11 cookies for the crust (which still turned out to be pretty thin); which means 22 Oreo biscuits, with the cream removed and added into the cake itself later, so I used less sugar in the cake since I figured the cream would make it pretty sweet.

Then just went about my normal cheesecake-making process, cheese and (less) sugar and eggs and all, and then threw in the remaining um... 19 biscuits, broken up into chunks.

The mixture turned very brown indeed. Lol.

And it very nearly overflowed the dish that I use for baking cheesecake all the time! I hadn't considered the fact that adding in the cookies would make that much of a difference in the volume. :P

But it turned out okay; Joseph and I had two slices of it each, he took three slices home for his grandma and his parents, and all the archers in RVR had one slice each. :D

Everyone said it was nice; pretty good for a first attempt, I think. Haha. But I think Connor was right in that the crust was a little soggy. Sigh. The biscuit crumbs refused to stop clumping together when I was making the crust; they're really different from Digestives that way, and I have no idea why! Oh well. Shall try to improve on that on my next attempt, haha. ^_^

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