Friday, May 26, 2006

Exams, exams. Everyone's blogging about exams and what shitty or crappy or totally unexpected results they got.

So I shall be different. :D

I shall blog about something that absolutely no one else will understand, unless you who are reading this happens to be that other person who commiserates with me.

So you have 7 + 15 days. 22. I like that number. Haha. XD

I have 43. Both for the most opposite reasons.

Gerri meets world. Yes, indeedy. There's suddenly a world out there which is bigger than I'd like it to be. "Halfway round the world" never felt so real.

I feel so unprepared to meet the world that's out there.

I feel like there's a mountain of things to be done, and I'm too busy to even start. Where does Time go when we're not looking?

Where does Time go when we don't have the time to spend it?

Phonecalls and good mornings, goodbyes and "how's it goings".

Learning and relearning the questions not to ask because there are no answers. At least, not now. We can't all be happy with how our lives are.

Thinking and rethinking the things that want to be said. Because lines are thin. Don't cross them. Or break them.

Funny that we'll be leaving home come this July. But I'm not moving as far away.

Packing and unpacking and wondering what to buy and wondering what to take. What shall we leave behind? We can't take everything.

Can I ask you a question, please?
Promise you won't laugh at me?
Honestly, I'm standing here,
Afraid I'll be betrayed.

As twisted as it seems,
I only fear love when it's in my dreams.
So let in the morning light
And let the darkness fade away.

Can you turn my black roses red?
Can you turn my black roses red...?

-"Black Roses Red", Alana Grace

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