Sunday, May 07, 2006

Holidays can be damn boring.

Thank goodness for people to spend it with.

Spent half the day out with kor; first things first, after lunch, we frittered away about four hours at the NLB's Reference Library, my newly-found love (haha).

Bumped into Mary while we were downstairs in the borrowing section of the library, then later, when we were on the seventh floor, we spent about half an hour just gazing at all the books and ooh-ing and ah-ing over various authors and works that we recognised.

But we eventually settled on a few to take aside and read:

Some light reading for the afternoon. XD

The top four books are kor's picks; all from the Political Science section. Mine come from the Sociology and Philosophy shelves.

Kor started on Hobbes' "Leviathan" first, but because it was written entirely in Old English, it was kinda difficult for him to read; he finally gave up when he couldn't make sense of a particular sentence. Until I informed him that "chayre" was "chair". Lol.

I was contented with Bertrand Russell's "In Praise of Idleness" for the better part of the afternoon; it made me smile at times. And in view of the post-election mood, it's somewhat fitting that Russell gave the most succinct definition of politics that I've ever come across:

"Usually two opposite kinds of advice are given simultaneously by two organised bodies of men; this is called politics. The skill required for this kind of work is not knowledge of the subjects as to which advice is given, but knowledge of the art of persuasive speaking and writing, i.e. of advertising."

Around the time kor abandoned "Leviathan" and started on Marcuse's "One-Dimensional Man", a minor camera war broke out. I scored a few victories. XD

No, he's not sleeping. It's just that the shot's taken from above, and he's looking down.

A church just across the road from the library; at least, this is just one of the many in the area. From where we were sitting, we could see three others in walking distance of this one.

After leaving the library at about 6-plus pm, we stopped by Candy Empire, which we'd passed by on our Wednesday trip with Edward. But at that time, it'd already been closed. This time, it was open.

Oh no. People like me shouldn't be allowed in a place like this.

Lots of stuff you don't usually find around Singapore in this store. Such as these adorable chocolate liqeurs in the shape of bottles...

.... and our very own spoils from the "raid". XD Dove Peppermint Affair chocolate, Mint Kit Kat, two fingers of mint chocolate of a brand named Echo-- they turned out to be chocolate biscuits with a layer of crisp bubbly mint on top, coated in chocolate-- and dark chocolate Bounty.
Notice how almost everything is either mint chocolate or dark chocolate. Lol.

The Kit Kat was our first victim...

.... followed by the two fingers of mint chocolate.

Our original plan was to eat the rest of the chocolate after dinner, but dinner proved to be... really too filling.

Carl's Jr. Before...

.... and after.

After that, was some mindless wandering, venturing into some of the shops in Marina Square to look at clothes and shoes and more books. We stopped by Borders on the way home (only because Kino was closed by that time), and after some more title-ogling, decided that next weekend, we shall go book-shopping!

Kenny, if you're reading this, expect us sometime next Saturday or Sunday, heehee. XD

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