Friday, February 18, 2005

Ivan's head will swell after reading this post.

But I have a big pin here to pop it if it does. *evil grin* :P

My sis was reading my blog a couple of days ago, and later told me that she'd "never noticed before, but Ivan's actually quite good-looking!"

And maybe I shouldn't have told him that. :P

Then yesterday, before archery training, Ben was asking me, "I saw your MSN nick, about being 'the happiest girl in the world'.. so what did your boyfriend do for you?"

I answered truthfully: Spoiled me rotten. :P A book, flowers, and then another flower.

And Ben's reply was that that was good, coz you "seldom find good guys like that anymore".

Gerri feels very happy and lucky and blessed, yes, but I can hear Ivan's head inflating. :P


Anyway... yesterday, after History lecture, I was supposed to meet someone. Slightly long story here: sometime last month, I received an email in my NUS email with "Did you send me an email?" in the subject line, and the person's name was not one that I recognised.

So I replied, saying no, that I hadn't sent him an email, and he replied saying that he was concerned that it might be a virus or someone who'd used my account or something, but I told him not to worry about it; was probably when I hadn't logged out of my account on the clubroom's computer and someone used it or something.

Then he decided that hey, since we're in the same module and everything, why don't we exchange contact numbers?

Ok, that still sounded reasonable.

Then he called me and we made small talk for a while, during which we found out that aside from Military History, we were both taking EL1101E as well. So he asked if I wanted to meet up, just maybe see what each other looked like or something like that.

Well... okay.

So, he originally wanted to meet before our next E Lang lecture, but he didn't call, so I just went into the LT and didn't give it a second thought. In total, two weeks went by and no calls or anything else saying that he still wanted to meet, so I just pretty much forgot about it and life went on as ladeeda normal. :)

Then last week, he messaged me on MSN asking if we could meet after our coming History lecture. And he asked me to bring my timetable along so that we could compare and see if we had any free slots in common.

Ivan was online at that time also, and when I told him about it, his reaction was "Is he desperate??"


So. Yesterday. Met him outside the LT, and without so much as an actual "Hi, nice to meet you" and any kind of small talk, he just launched right in and asked "So do you have any free slots today?"

I was a little taken aback at the lack of conversation to ease us into a question like that, so I told him, no, pretty much occupied for the rest of the day. Which was true. I was taking over Beng Chong's clubroom duty from 12-2 pm yesterday, and from 4-6 pm was my slot to help out with recre Archery, and from 6 pm onwards would be my actual training.

So he asked if I would be eating later.

Was starting to get a little wary by now. So my reply was:

"Yeah, I'm eating later, with my boyfriend."

Then indicated said boyfriend, standing about two metres away, looking off elsewhere, perhaps pretending not to be interested. :P

His enthusiasm seemed to dip a little. Then he asked, "Oh, he's also in this module?"


"Oh.. oh, then I guess I'll see you around, yeah?"

Okay. See you.

Then walked back to clubroom with Ivan and told him everything. :P And Ivan was laughing and saying, "If only all competition was this easy to get rid of..."

Meh. You don't even know if he really was competition, anyway, dear. :P

(Update: noticed this morning that the guy's MSN nick was "NUS girls are either attached or unattached but don't want to start a relationship; any counter-examples?" :D Kenny's of the opinion that Ivan probably really wanted to "da si ta". :P)

Going to Kenny's place later to help him alphabetically organise all those books that he has.. yay. Books and books and more books, haha...

Okay, realistically speaking, Ivan, probably your only "competition" are books and my bow and arrows. Hahaha... :D :P

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