Saturday, July 16, 2005

Busy busy day.

Tired, so if I don't speak/type in complete sentences, don't blame me.

Woke up early in the morning to rush to school for archery exco elections; the interviews lasted longer than they were supposed to, but I decided to stay on for voting anyway. Only managed to stay for the first round of voting though, coz by then I was already an hour late for work.

Good thing that hardly anyone ever bothers to check on the promoters. :P

Later, at about 2.30 pm, Khim Nyang messaged me saying that I'd got the publicity head post; yay. :) Also means that my first two months or so of the semester when school reopens are gonna be pretty damn hectic. :S

Sometimes I wonder why the hell I'm doing this; why I'm doing so much. Then I think, why not? And then I wonder if my life will really be that much fuller as a result of all this. And I think maybe; my life as it is now is already quite full.

Worked till 9 pm coz I figured that I should at least make up some of the time that I was late, then rushed to catch the bus so that I could get to Heeren to change the pair of flip flops that Jianwu and Keyou bought me last week. They bought me a lovely pair of light blue Havaianas with white butterflies on them, but they turned out to be a size too small, so had to get them changed. Luckily they had sizes this time; when I went last Friday, they didn't.

Which means that now I can wear the lovely things to O week precamp. Haha. :P

This must be the busiest holiday and time in my life; I'm working, I'm helping out in almost all the FOP projects (on the comm for four of the six), and I really should be training more often if I want to take part in the outdoor competition in August, but I don't have the time... maybe one day I'll just sit down right where I'm standing and not want to move.

I need to get the Bash tickets printed, I need to plan my modules (EN2111 is frigging getting in the way of EVERYTHING; maybe someone out there is trying to tell me something), I need to think about how to get the alumni's help for Flag, I need to help out for Rag, I need to buy something to wear for Thank You Dinner, I need to help out for matric fair for Arts Club and Archery Club, I need to do something about that design for the archery club T-shirt which I've had for the longest bloody time, I need to train, I need the bloody thousand-over bucks of pay that Reckitt Benckiser owes me, I need I need I need, ARGH!!!

Ngh. Must not slap self.

My poor organiser looks like a bloodbath.

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