Friday, August 18, 2006

TGIF...? Whoever thought of that phrase hasn't seen my Friday schedule for this semester...

8-10am: GEK1519, Science of Music. All the way in Science fac. And I have to walk up the blardy slope and how many flights of stairs to get to LT 32. Even getting to wake up at 7 am because I stay in hall isn't much concession.

12-2pm: SN2234, Gender and Society in South Asia. Lunch made me a little sleepy. Maybe in future I should just go back to hall and sleep...

3-6pm: SC4215D, Welfare and Social Justice. My very first level 4 module. Woot. Wish me luck. First lecture is later, in about half and hour's time. It's a seminar-style module though, and from my experience with seminar classes, they're usually more fun than lectures. Probably coz they're more interactive and stuff. Hope this one will be the same.

So... 8 to 6 on a Friday. Sigh. At least there are breaks in between. And at least I still have a four-day week. Mondays are free. Yay. :)

Things I have found out about hall recently: was working at the AS7 computer lab yesterday, doing the student helper thing. Turns out that Bingjie's my partner for the timeslot, and his eyes yesterday were damn bloody (pun intended) RED.

So he tells me that I should be careful coz apparently there's a bout of conjunctivitis making its way around Eusoff. Eeks. And there're about ten victims already. :S Somehow this sounds familiar... last semester I heard that a lot of people staying in Kent Ridge Hall got dengue or some other fever-related virus...?

Also, last night, Yuimin dragged Meiling and me down to the function hall to go for the interim committee interviews. So we all decided to go for the IBG (Inter-Block Games) comm, since after careful consideration, we realised that that was the only "short-term commitment" comm. (IBG is only on for about a couple of weeks; after that then no more comm, haha. :P)

And in other news, Gerri has made two purchases today which make her very happy: earphones and a LAN cable. Yay. :) :) I can now enjoy my music while in the library (provided I don't turn it on too loud) and I don't have to rely on the shoddy wireless in hall anymore! It's not that NUS' network is terrible or anything, it's just that the Halls are all far away from the main buildings (hence the main area where the network is stronger), so it makes more sense for the residents to plug into the LAN, which is *even* faster. Like whoa. Haha. :D

Well, shall go back tonight and have fun. :D

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