Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Attended make-up lesson for my Intermediate-2 Lesson 7 yesterday, since I won't be able to attend the class on Thursday coz I have to manage an event on that day.

There were only 6 people in the class that I joined. Who were pretty quiet. I love my class so much more now; there're like 10 of us and we're always constantly talking, haha. There was even this one guy (Really, *one* guy. The other five were ladies.) who didn't seem to know anything. I mean, come on, it's Intermediate *TWO* level. Don't waste your money if you can't catch up.

This teacher's (Takatsuka-sensei) way of teaching is quite different from Yamamoto-sensei's; he talks a lot more, and almost all of it in Japanese. Which I found quite fun, since I could still understand most of it, but his own students seemed kinda... lost.


I learned quite a bit of new vocabulary today though, so I'm happy! :D

And to start the class off, Takatsuka-sensei gave us a tongue twister (I wonder if he does this for every lesson?): 買った赤肩たたき器高かった。(katta aka kata tatakiki takakatta.) Say it three times, as fast as you can! :D

Literal translation: The red shoulder massage machine (or "gadget", if you prefer) that I bought was expensive.


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