Monday, February 13, 2006

This situation looks familiar.

I'm sitting here, rushing out a response paper due at 10 am tomorrow during 3101 tutorial. Good thing it's only one page, font size 12, double-spaced. Should only be about 500 words or so.

But the thing is, I need to find a newspaper article with some sociological issue in it. And then I need to critique using either Karl Marx's or Harriet Martineau's theories.

Thought of writing about that whole cartoon thing with the Danish newspaper and all. Coz I have lots of stuff to say about that whole incident, but unfortunately, I don't think any of Marx's theories on capitalism will figure anywhere into the argument.

And as for Martineau? I'm not even really clear on exactly what she wrote about!!

Rejection of religion in the pursuit of scientific, empirical knowledge? Well, that's what she did, but I'm not sure that was her subject matter.

Instituitionalised discrimination? I can work with that.

Principles of value-neutrality and observing other cultures without prejudice?


Now there's something I can start with.

Blogging and random rambling does help. :)

Thinking of adding some stuff to this blog. Maybe that comments thingy that so many people have. Maybe a small little unobtrusive counter which almost no one will notice, but which I can refer to just to satisfy my curiosity as to just how many people stumble upon my little hole-in-the-wall of the Internet. :)

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