Saturday, April 22, 2006

Randomness at 3.15 am in school on a Saturday morning.

Staying overnight.

Hock at his table, Clement and me at the big table, Eugene in the white armchair, and Edward, asleep on the sofa.

Just went through a bout of random silliness. The kind that strikes me (randomly) at some points late at night or in the wee hours of the morning, and makes me laugh at absolutely nothing at all.

Must finish at least two more Geog readings by today before going home.

And I have another kor-kor coz he bought me a big peanut biscuit. Haha. (The other kor is Lionel since he's the tech head for Rag and Rachel and me are um.. two of his... immediate underlings. And we call each other "jie" and "mei" so we decided to call Lionel "kor". And by extension, Yuimin, "da-sao". XD)

Life is like a game of bridge.

You need partners. Unless you wanna call yourself as partner, which Chong Han did once. -_-

Study partners: Eugene, Edward, and maybe there'll be others to come.

Shooting buddies: Vincent, Weiquan, Nic. And Vincent's gonna be gone soon. Your poor fish. Don't worry, though. :)

Bridge "kakis": Edward, Eugene, Chong Han, and Anders, I think. Chong Han and Eugene are blardy "smokers", Edward likes to pull stunners on everyone, and since I'm quite useless, I've found that Eugene and Anders make very good partners. Coz at least one of the partners needs to know what they're doing. :P

Hush-time companions: pen, paper, music, and my odd little brain.

Hm... life.. partner. It seems this isn't meant for me. I think I'm a loner by nature. And experience has taught me that it's likely I'll be better off on my own. Only I am gonna understand and know how far all the little pieces of me are scattered, after all. No one else is going to be able to help find them.

Rayner's MSN nick: "Lord I lift your name on high... Will you lift my CAP on high?"

I want to write. No time. Should I consider compiling some stuff to send for publishing? It might help with getting more money. But my stuff is... mediocre, to say the least. Bleah.

I still need to finish what I started all those years ago, though. It's been on hiatus for two years now. Ever since I entered Uni. 38 chapters. It must be finished. I've put too much effort into it and by now it has such a life of its own that it doesn't deserve to be left hanging. Hold on just a while more. I will finish what I started.

So happy for 3101; got A- for term paper (considering I did the self-research topic!) and A+ for my response papers. Tutorial participation is bound to be damn high since I just don't shut up. Heehee.

Geog is looking somewhat hopeful. I'm glad I took SC2101 last sem before taking this module. Because everything is all too familiar. :)

Back to the books. Looking forward to breakfast in a few hours' time.

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