Sunday, November 26, 2006

There've been lots of changes in my life recently after one um.. major change. Lol.

My hall room is suddenly getting really packed, and I've somehow managed to accumulate a LOT of new stuff in what must be record time.

A new pillow.

A new pet.

A new sound system.

All in the space of... five days? 0_o

Bizarre. But I'm thankful anyway, dear. :)

Anyway, the new pet: a hamster. My first hamster, really. Before this, the only pets I had were three mice. And I'm constantly finding out in rather shocking ways that hamsters' daring apparently has no limits.

Previously, with my three mice, if they were in a high position and the ground was too far away, they would just stay where they were.

This hamster, by contrast, not only attempts to plunge headlong to certain death (if he hits his head), but even does it backwards-- yes, he even motors *backwards* till he falls off.

It's really quite disturbing. *shakes head*

But, here: everyone, meet Nuzzle.

A small male hamster of Winter White breed. Judging from his size and how often he eats and sleeps, it's likely that he isn't anywhere over a year old, the little munchkin. ^_^

It's also good to know that he utilises the wheel quite often. Although half the time, he's not actually running in it. He sleeps and eats in it too. :P

And, the new sound system, which was acquired only today:

Creative's I-Trigue L3500. This is a shot of the speakers alongside my laptop; yes, don't mind my wallpaper now. I've been told that it's the furthest thing from what you'd expect to find on a girl's desktop. :P

There's a subwoofer as well, which isn't in the shot since it's under my table.

And the whole system cost just $79 at the Creative Warehouse Sale!!

I swear, Creative gives "daylight robbery" a completely new meaning-- it reverses it; it's as if it's enticing customers to come rob the store by buying all these products at dirt-cheap prices. :P

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