Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Random morning musings: My dream house would be half library, half studio, and all artistic clutter / organised chaos. :)

I want a library with floor-to-ceiling shelves made of dark wood, full of books that are arranged by alphabetical order of authors' names. It needs to have a comfy couch with poofy cushions and a fluffy throw and maybe a rug that I can dig my toes into when I feel like it. :)

And a desk. A desk with one of those old-school reading lamp with a green glass cover and a short pull-chain, and a swivelly roller chair that reclines when I lean backwards to contemplate the sky ceiling. XD

And recently, I've got around to thinking that maybe I'd like the other half to be a studio/ working space, where I can have a workstation for writing and a work area for making notebooks and other things and knick-knacks that I'd like to experiment at making but have never done because I don't have a space suitable for it.

Yeah. "Head up in the clouds" is a good way to start a weekday morning at work.

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