Wednesday, November 16, 2011

It's been a long, long week.

Events *everyday* since last Sunday, and annoyance after annoyance as certain people don't seem to understand that every building has its rules and protocols. It's like going to someone else's house (and no, I don't mean the house of your best friend/ boyfriend/ girlfriend of ten years); if you want something or want to do something, isn't it commonsense/ common courtesy that you ask first, and ask the right people??

At times like these, I'm always reminded of what I was told during one of my first few lectures in Uni: "Commonsense isn't very common." Sadly. -_-

But! THIS *totally* makes it ALL better. At least for a while.

My Live DVD is on its WAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!! YAAAAAAAAAYYYY!!!!  \(^v^)/

And um... happy... double-release day to AAA as well. For both the Charge & Go! single and the 2011 Tour DVD!

Seems like Shin-chan was er... quite happy about it as well. That's totally just my assumption. But it's amusing that he would tweet while (self-professedly) half-drunk.

I suppose it's a bit like drunk-dialling... it's always funny for the people who're watching. XD


xiaocow said...

if it pleases you, the threadless order has been shipped too! err. a week ago. haha.

Gerri said...