Friday, August 08, 2003

I have just realised that Wednesday's entry.....was a little strange.

I have no idea what I was thinking then.... or maybe I've just forgotten what I was thinking then. But the poems looks good; maybe I'll just improve on it a little. :)

Lalala....nothing interesting happened today.

Well, other than the fact that there were no classes and school ended at about 10.30 am today, since it's National Day Celebrations.

Well, yeah, today's also officially the last day that I touched my clarinet. So sad... I removed all my reeds and cleaning paper and the little scented wooden ball that I put in my case. Now all that's in there is the swab and the polishing cloths; when I looked at it after I'd removed all my stuff, it looked so empty.

Which was, well, weird.

(Alliteration. Four "W"s in a row. Wow. :P)

Even if when I do buy myself a clarinet in the future, I'll never forget that one. It's the first clarinet that I ever touched and played, after all. :)

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