Tuesday, August 26, 2003

School was suspended today; how cool is that?!? :D

Must've been all that construction going on with the new block; the electric system (that doesn't sound like the appropriate word for it, but nothing else is coming to mind right now) needed upgrading, and today, they just couldn't get anything to work! :D

Except for J block, that is. Our block was the only one in the whole school that had electricity. :P

So, well, we couldn't possibly have lectures or do much else without electricity, so yeah, school was suspended for today! :D

And Tuesday's my longest day of the week too......YES!!

Meeting John and Wei Jian later at TP Mac's to study, since night study at school's been cancelled tonight.

Same electricity problem. :D

While we're at it, I'm still thinking about Violet's idea of dinner on Friday with some other band people and group Maths study after.

Friday...don't have much money with me now; I don't even wanna think about how much will be left at the end of the week.

Well, I never have much money, anyway. :P

Note to self: Must find a way to increase my weekly allowance. :P

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