Tuesday, August 12, 2003

My foot hurts.

Went to see doctor last night, and I have PILLS. For a foot problem.

Sounds a bit illogical, doesn't it??

Antibiotics to get rid of the infection and anti-inflammation pills.

3 pills to swallow three times a day.... I hate pills!! :S

But the really funny thing was that today, I ate lunch in school and I took the medicine then; I swear, that was the fastest I'd ever swallowed ANY pills. :P And it was three of at one go too! :P

Photo-taking today.... John's missing it coz he has his checkup today and he's not coming back to school coz he feels "flu-ish". Haha. That was in his own words. :P

My class has a lotta unwell people today.... I've just realised something very interesting about my class; when we're all healthy and all, we're fine, but once one person falls sick, the WHOLE class will start getting problems.

Man, are we a "united" class or what? :P

Night study starts this week. Gonna stay back on Friday or maybe tomorrow.

Bored.............................. bye for now.

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