Saturday, September 13, 2003


My official TV day since it's the only day of the week with anything worth watching. In my opinion.

Small bonus: Next week's X-Men Evolution ep is a Pietro ep. Too much Quicksilver is not a good thing for a girl like me, but hey, we all love stuff that isn't good for us, don't we?

Doesn't it make you wonder if humans aren't just a little naturally masochistic in some way?

Slightly bigger bonus: Today's Mutant X ep was a Jesse ep. Yahoo. :D Nice to see the guy get all uptight and everything.... Yeah, I tend to be a little sadistic. I enjoy seeing my favourite characters getting emotionally wound up and screwed up (remember?).

Large bonus: My sis was on the Channel 5 website today, and FINALLY..... Singapore has bought the second season of Dark Angel, and it's being slotted in at midnight on Wednesday (Sep 24), taking over once Buffy finishes its current season.

The good thing about this is that I'm finally gonna get to see some of the season 2 eps that I've wanted to see for TWO YEARS. (Jumps and dances around the room before returning to the computer, reasonably saner)

The bad thing is.... Jensen Ackles is in season 2. As a regular, not like the guest appearance that he made in season 1 when he played Ben. Now he's back and playing Ben's twin, Alec, and the problem with that is.....

Well, he's just very good-looking. :)

All the cute guys are definitely coming out of the woodwork at an accelerated rate. And they're picking a bad time to do it.

Oh well.

We can't all have what we want.

Which brings me to him.

Yeah, that um..."special someone" who doesn't know he's my "special someone".

The thought of him depresses me nowadays.

Maybe it's just 'cause lately I've started to see the impossibility that he could ever like someone like me. Or maybe I think too lowly of myself.

Whatever it is, my thoughts today seem to revolve around this:

Humans love what we shouldn't have, and we want what we can't have.

Another reason why the end of the world is probably near.

I just hope I'm not around to see it.

Although I admit it would be interesting. :)

I seem to be pretty sane today.... so let's end it there while I still have a grip on my sanity. :)

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