Wednesday, August 24, 2011

More fangirling coming up. And a bit of LOL-ing. You've been warned.

Seems like I probably won't be able to get Shinjiro's second photobook; I think it was kind of a magazine kinda thingy. It's out of print on CD Japan, and it doesn't seem like there're gonna be anymore reprints. Sigh.

Was searching around online to see if anyone who has it might've scanned it to share with the rest of us unlucky peeps, and stumbled across a Tokyohive news article about the handshake event that he had on 3rd August for said photobook.

And my brain got kinda stuck on the second paragraph:
“I tackled a full nude for this photobook. I wouldn’t want my parents to see it,” commented Atae, who says he’s gotten more work after taking his shirt off at a concert last year. He continued, “If it’ll make my fans happy, I’ll do nude work.”

Aside from the er... willingness to do nude work if it makes his fans happy (I find that statement mildly disturbing), I almost laughed out loud at him saying that he got more work after taking his shirt off.

It reminded me of that particular moment during 5th Anniversary's concert, and it was rather... shocking, lol. I still wonder whose idea it was; the artistic director's, or his own? The boy has this whole innocent, unassuming demeanour, but from time to time, he does or suggests things that make one think that he might actually be aware of the effect that his looks have.

Of course, to make this post complete, a video clip of the aforementioned shirt-shedding moment in 5th Anniversary is in order.

When I first watched it and saw him start to remove his tie for this piece, I thought it was probably one of those teasing kinda things where he'd probably just remove or undo small bits that don't really make much of a difference. Like the tie. And the top few buttons of his shirt.

Except it was followed by the jacket. Which got thrown into the audience area. Upon which my reaction became, "OMG, seriously??"

And then his attempt at a sexy dance (which I think Shuta might've been able to do better. *snicker* Or wait; maybe Shuta taught him the moves..? LOL.), followed by the *rest* of the shirt buttons (reaction at this point was, "OMG. Seriously." And the pseudo-innocent look on his face on that close-up shot. Dear Lord. Someone is obviously learning how to work his audience.) and well, the whole shirt comes off, eventually.

It's only about 3 minutes, and all he sings is one verse and one chorus of the whole song, but this is the one part in the whole concert with the most *sustained* screaming. LOL.

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