Sunday, August 21, 2011

Okay, I'm just going to fangirl for a moment now. Just step away for a while if you don't like it, or close this window, please.

AAA has seven members see, so since there're seven days in the week, each one of them blogs on a different day. I still can't really remember who is on what day, except that I think Hidaka's on Mondays, Nishi is on Wednesdays and Shinjiro is on Sundays.

And it's Sunday!! Sunday = Shinjiro's blog day = whee.

Although Sunday also means "back to work tomorrow", but oh well. You win some, you lose some.

So, August means it's halfway through a-nation right now.
("a-nation" is a series of weekend outdoor concerts in August, organised by Avex. Avex usually has its best-selling artistes perform for these concerts, and the venues are all over Japan; a different venue every weekend. There're lots of booths all around the concert venues as well, for people to buy food, drinks and artiste merchandise, so it's an all-around carnival-ish atmosphere.)

a-nation was in Osaka this weekend, so since it's the Kansai area and Shinjiro's hometown, he went back to his parents' place to visit, and his blog post has a picture of him and his cute little nephew!

Behold the cuteness (over to your right). So much squeee-ness. It's so CUTE I could DIE. The little baby's SUPER cute, and Shin-chan kissing the little baby is even more squee-worthy, but overall, the whole picture is just SOOO full of oodles of warmth and fluffiness. *restrains self*

If it were a physical object, I would grab it and squeeze it and squish it and hug it and - well, I suppose you get the idea. XD

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