Wednesday, August 10, 2011

The post-National day, post-long weekend, back-to-work blues.
I did not wanna get out of bed this morning. -_-

It's been a busy long weekend; I've been out of the house almost everyday, which, if you know me, is pretty rare. I'm some kind of housebug or something; if I didn't need to, I might probably never step out of the house.

But, just this weekend alone! On Sunday: lunch with Weiquan, Wai Xin and Jeslin at Pietrasanta at Portsdown Road, and dessert after at Laurent Bernard's just next door - such a chocolate overdose that I actually felt kinda sick afterwards. I have never been sick on chocolate before. It flies in the face of all universal truths, like toast landing butter-side up. But it did happen, I tell you, I felt so full and sick-ish for about an hour after lunch.

Took the train to Orchard with Wai Xin coz he was going to work (at Orchard. On a Sunday. Poor guy.) and I was meeting my ushers at the Marche at 313 for dinner. I was so full from the late lunch (we had lunch at 2 and probably only finished at about 4-plus...) that I really didn't feel like having any dinner. In the end, I settled for a sweet crepe and mushroom soup. Stuff at Marche really is quite ridiculously expensive.

Then, to the airport, to see Cherie off. She's gonna be in Denmark for two years to work! Sounds like fun. Well, not the work. But maybe work will be fun too. :)

We hung around till about 12.30am, coz her flight was only leaving at 1.40am, and by the time I got home, it was about 1-plus in the morning.

Then, Monday! Brilliant me took Monday off, so I had a long uninterrupted long weekend. XD

I spent most of the day doing stuff around the house, then in the evening, dinner at TWG at Ion with Weiquan, Jeslin and Wai Xin. Since it was TWG and me being me, I bought more tea. Wahahaha. But just a little 50g packet of Creme Brulee Tea. Coz it smelt so lovely.

Then, back to Weiquan's place to celebrate his dad's birthday, and for wine and cheese. It was supposed to be three different bottles of wine, but the first two bottles were 10 and 12 years old respectively... I think that made them kinda potent. I drank one glass of the first one, drank a bit of the second one, and then fell asleep. Ahahaha. No matter though; I'd already tried the third one before. :p

And on Tuesday, to Malaysia for a haircut and a bit of grocery shopping with my mum and sister.

Since I don't usually read newspapers and all my news comes from online sources or social media, and I have been out and about so much this weekend, I haven't seen much of the news headlines. So I was pretty shocked when I was in the car heading into Malaysia yesterday and heard about riots in London. And apparently, it's been going on for three days already.

It's quite unbelievable, considering that my sis and I were there not too long ago, in Dec 2009. I wonder if Camden Town is affected, coz that's where we were staying, at my sister's UCL hostel.

Neil Gaiman put it quite simply, really.

But it's also heartening to see that there're also a whole lot of Twitter posts where people are getting together to clean up the streets, help check on elderly neighbours, and there's even someone tweeting that if anyone needs help getting stuff fixed around their house or shop, he and "his boys" will pop around to do it for free. :)

These days, it really does seem like the world's heading to hell in a handbasket. Hope everything gets better in London soon.

But at the end of the day, this made me laugh:

That's probably the most down-to-earth reply to something like, "You're so handsome I could die." LOL.

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