Monday, January 19, 2004

Bored. Very bored.

Got Jane's letter, all the way from good ol' England, haha. So excited. Finally get to see her drawings and stuff; they're quite cute, actually. They're sketchy, but I just need to imagine a little and I can see just about exactly what she had in mind.

My mum's being all paranoid; asking me who sent me the letter and everything.

Oh, for God's sake, get a grip.

As if I'm gonna set up a blind date or something and fly halfway across the bloody world to meet someone I met on the Net. Didn't even believe me when I told her that it was a girl either. She said that she could say that she was an eighteen year old girl over the Net too.

I get the point, but this worrying is damn unnecessary. In fact, just talking (typing) about it is just pissing me off, man.

Won't talk about it anymore.

I need to make a list, I think.

Have so many bloody movies I wanna watch. Or at least it feels like there're a lot of bloody movies I wanna watch.

No, I don't mean bloody movies, it's just an expression... oh heck. Whatever. You know what I mean.

Anyway. List. Of movies. I wanna watch. Yes, yes, long list name. So...

List of movies I wanna watch

1. Peter Pan

Come on, it's Peter Pan! Everybody loves Peter Pan; it's like Disney; everybody loves Disney. Well, you get the idea.

2. Hidalgo

Er... quite undecided. Has Viggo Mortensen in it, but the subject material (horses and racing) isn't really my piece of cake. Or cup of tea. Whichever you prefer. Anyway, it seems kinda nice. And funny.

3. Troy

Even more undecided than Hidalgo. I mean, I don't like historical dramas, and I don't like Brad Pitt, both of which this show has.
BUT, everyone knows that the Trojans ALL die in the Trojan War, and since Orlando Bloom plays one of the Trojan princes, that means he dies, right? And if he dies, I WANT to watch it. :D
My sis and I have come to a decision as to what to do about this film, actually. We'll wait for our friends to go watch it, and then we'll ask them if Orlando Bloom's character dies. If he does, then well, it's off to the theatre for us! :D
Aren't we just the most sick, twisted little girls you ever laid eyes on....hahaha....

4. Pirates of the Carribean 2 and Kingdom of Heaven

Unfortunately, these two open next year. Damn it. Suffering from bloody POTC withdrawal!! Damn Johnny Depp for being so bloody good-looking and charming and funny... damn it.
As for Kingdom of Heaven... well, Orlando Bloom's first lead role; I wanna see if he's any good at it.
Btw, I've finally managed to describe the funny way that he talks. It sounds like he's trying to talk and breathe out at the same time; sounds really weird, I tell you. Watch POTC if you don't believe me!

5. 21 Grams

This is one of those sorta artsy kinda films, and I wanna watch it, but it's R(A).


Are all the directors of artsy films so obsessed with nudity and sex and whatever the hell else that is deemed unfit for people below the age of 21 to watch?!?!
Fucking irritating, I tell you. All right, I didn't mean to type the F-word back there, but now that it's done anyway, let's see if Blogger bleeps it out or something. :D I'll laugh if they don't. There's profanity on the Net for you!! Yes, so we should keep all the little kids away from computers so that their minds don't get contaminated by foul words and uncouth language, ha. Stupid idiots, as if your kids won't learn it sooner or later in life, anyway. Asses.
Anyway, yes, there were so many arts films that I wanted to watch over the years, and ALL of them turned out to be rated R(A). Even "Citadel of God" (y'know, that Spanish film) last year was rated R(A)!!!
Fucking irritating!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hm. Turns out that it's not that many movies after all. Oh well. Nice to see things in perspective, anyway. :D


Watched "A Perfect Murder" last night on TV just so I could see Viggo Mortensen's paintings, lol.

If all the paintings in that rich guy's house were his paintings, then I'd say he's pretty good, since I loved all those paintings in the rich guy's house. :D

Okay, nothing else to type now. Got my rambling out of my system, so I'll leave you now. Ta. :D

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