Sunday, January 04, 2004

I need eight egg yolks to make a creme brulee.

Eight. What am I gonna do with the egg whites, then?

I think I heard somewhere that egg whites can used for.... something. I vaguely remember it has something to do with being some sort of beauty treatment. Face mask?


Eggs on your face, haha.

I shall start perfecting my cheesy omelette. Yep, my cheesy omelette. Egg with cheese. Yummy. :D

Two of my favourite things in the world- eggs and cheese- in one simple dish!

I sound like an advertiser.

My train of thought keeps derailing today. No idea why.

Very bored.

Have no idea how the hell I'm gonna survive six months with almost NOTHING to do. o.O

I need the LOTR ROTK soundtrack!!! Billy Boyd's voice is so beautiful....

I've realised that I'm willing to pay to watch ROTK over and over and over again for just a few things in the movie:

1. To see Legolas/Orlando Bloom in his last two shots. I mean, come on, he's GORGEOUS. :P

2. To see Pippin and Sam!! The cutest and bravest hobbits alive respectively, haha. I wanna see Pippin stick that fat orc that was sneaking up on Gandalf and I wanna watch Sam fight that spider and stick his own orc. :D

3. To hear Pippin/Billy Boyd sing. I don't think the song lasts more than a minute, but for that one minute, everything-- the images, the music, even the transitions from one scene to another-- becomes absolutely heartbreaking.

4. To see the battle of Pelennor Fields. Well, the reasons for this are fairly obvious, no? The arrival of the Rohirrim is undoubtedly one of the most inspiring moments in the whole film. Theoden's speech on the Pelennor Fields, in my opinion, was actually better than Aragorn's before the Black Gate. And when they were leaving Edoras too; Eomer's short little rousing line was very moving.

Theoden: "Ride now! Ride for ruin and the world's ending!"

Eomer: "Now is the hour; oaths you have taken, fulfill them now; to lord and land-- Fulfill them all!!"

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