Sunday, March 21, 2004

The unthinkable has happened.

I'm sick! First time in three (almost four now) years ever since I accidentally ingested that sodium chlorate in the lab back in Sec 3, when I was involved in that Crystal Growing Competition.

Ah well, once in three years; I figure I've earned the time to be sick, haha.

Had this slight fever at about 3 pm yesterday, and I managed to get rid of it before I went to sleep last night, but this morning it was back again, 37.8 degrees. Managed to shake it off at about 2 pm today again, but still slightly achy... in my legs and back mostly. My mum says it's flu symptoms. Weird thing is, all I've had is a fever. No cough or runny or blocked nose or anything.

Have a blocked throat, though. Blocked throat... does that make any sense to you? Well, it just feels sorta clogged up, that's all. I make myself sound like a sink! :P

Meh. Feeling very bored.

Almost finishing this book now... "Under An English Heaven" by Robert Radcliffe; very nice-- WW2 story. I don't think I can remember how many WW2 stories I've read, haha. "Street Boys" by Lorenzo Carcaterra was good too; also a WW2 novel.

Had an urge earlier this week to buy Josh Groban's albums; he does have a wonderful voice. :)

Will see about it when the time comes... :D

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