Wednesday, December 08, 2004

Am back. Avoided blogging for the past few days because, 1) I was too damn lazy, and 2) my arm hurt like all hell.

I haven't touched my bow for a whole month. The result of that is that now my shooting is absolutely disgusting, and my bow arm is not as steady as it was before the exams. And lack of practice means disuse of the usual group of muscles. Which then equates to pain in the shoulder blades and back muscles.

Yes, if you didn't know, when you pull back on the bowstring, you're supposed to use your back muscles, not your upper arm muscles. It's a strange, complex thing, but the way it works is that, although you'll be pulling the string back with your middle three fingers, your fingers and arms are relaxed; the only tension is in your back. Confused? Well, it's easier said than done, anyway.

I find myself once again confronted with the irony that my holiday is more packed with activities than a normal month during term time. It happened during the mid-sem break too, if you're wondering about the other time. This in itself is very bad; not just for the stress factor, but also because this means that now I can't go out and work. Damn it.

Went for that scholarship talk for SPH's Journalism Scholarship on Monday. Think I stand an okay chance. Seriously hope I get it. If not, I don't think I'll be around NUS for much longer. But, sucky thing is, that they need the transcript of my first sem's exam results. And when are results going to be out for first-years?? Effing 26th December, that's when. That's almost three weeks away!! I need to send in the application ASAP, damn it...

My sis tagged along when I went for the talk; were only about 50 people in attendance, and I felt so old suddenly. I mean, despite the fact that I'm only a year older than the rest of the interested applicants, I didn't feel that way. Maybe it's something to do with how Uni is a pretty far cry from JC life, man. Or maybe I'm just thinking too highly of myself.

Anyway, my sis and I arrived at the venue early; half an hour early to be exact, because I wasn't sure of the place and so we left the house really early, but later we found the venue much more easily than we expected, haha.

So while we were hanging around waiting outside the room (ballroom?), all the people slowly started streaming in, and my sister and I started bitching about some people; there was this particular petite girl who had on a lot of make-up and a lot of wavy hair falling just past her shoulders; the amount of hair she had just made her face look damn small. And she was wearing these tight black pants and a skimpy, loose top with spaghetti straps, and heels.

She had this strange way of walking and this really overdone look which just really set my sister and I off.

Me: (upon seeing her) What the hell.
Sis: (upon noticing said objection of my negative attention) Er.
Me: Why the hell is she walking like that?
Sis: A bit too much make-up, yeah? And she walks like Brenda Wan, man. Eugh.

(Brenda Wan is a teacher in our secondary school who, when she walks, swivels her hips from one side to another in a rather exaggerated manner.)

Me: Are you kidding? She's worse than Brenda Wan. Brenda Wan's ass just migrates from the east to the west and vice versa within the space of a single step; this girl-- it's like when she takes one step, her hips go from left to right and her body goes up and down as well; does she think she's walking on springs or what??
Sis: Think she can't wear heels.
Me: And her head looks huge on her body, man. Like lollipop syndrome. And Ally McBeal. Maybe she's bulimic. Or anorexic.
*Sis gives me distasteful look, then looks at said weird girl again, then looks as if she agrees with me, but doesn't say anything. End of short bitch-fest*

I think it was just the fact that it was relatively early in the morning then; early morning air has a strange effect on my brain cells. Renders them completely useless, I tell you. And even after that, for the rest of the day, they remain half-concussed. Explains the way I am, doesn't it.

Went to school for training then. God, I just pissed myself off. 103 for ten ends of 3?!?! WTF?!? And what the HELL kind of disgusting score is 1-1-M?!?!


So gonna die. But heck. It's only first competition, anyway. Don't expect to go very far. But must note it down for future reference; even when they're exams, must stay in shape. Khim Nyang says that if you don't shoot for two weeks, you lose your form. Well, guess what, most of the juniors haven't shot for almost twice that long. I know I haven't.

But, at least now there's some kind of hope, haha. Coz Rayner's in my team now! And Rayner is damn good; he gets things like 234 for ten ends and he still thinks that his score sucks. *Facepalm* Rayner....

Also, I have discovered the miracle that is muscle relaxant cream. Or gel. Well, okay, it's gel. I was rummaging in my mum's cupboard on Tuesday night to find something for the muscle ache, coz I was so worried that if it persisted then I wouldn't be able to train properly.

So I found the muscle relaxant, and am now a happy bunny. Because after I applied it, it didn't hurt anymore! By "it" I mean my arm, not the gel.

God bless the person who invented muscle relaxant. And if he's dead, well, I hope you grant him sainthood. He saved my arm, if nothing else.

Just exaggerating now. You can ignore me. :P

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