Wednesday, December 01, 2004

IT'S OVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My exams are finally over!! Yay!!!

Now, as Khim Nyang put it, I feel somewhat lacking in the way of a life. :P

Especially since I've been mugging since week 11, so I've probably been depriving myself of an active social life for three weeks more than everyone else, haha. Not that I had a really active social life to begin with, so... meh. What am I talking about. :P

So, what am I doing here in the Arts Club Room blogging when a sane person would go out straight away and indulge in something brainless and frivolous to destress?

Well, yesterday my kor said that we'd decide on something to do over lunch after the paper, but he met his friend outside the MPSH today, and well, I guess he'd already decided what he wanted to do, so yep. He went off with his friend, so I decided to go shooting instead (grossly out of practice), but changed my mind later when I found out that no one else was shooting anymore... :P

So. Change of plan. Khim Nyang mentioned that Charissa, Ben and Zhan Tao were going to watch "The Incredibles" later in the afternoon, so I called Ben up; met him for lunch and then he went off for his last paper. We're gonna go to Orchard later after his paper to do window shopping, I think.

At least, it'll be window shopping for me; he actually does want to engage in retail therapy-- think he's buying a pair of pants or something.

Oh yeah... I've gained a "jie" (older sister) and a "jie-fu" (brother-in-law) now, haha.

Yesterday, was studying Genes and Soc at Forum with Ivan and his friends; met his other godsister-- so, by virtue of the fact that Ivan is my "kor", Rachel is now my "jie" (coz she's a year older than me) and her boyfriend, William, is my "jie-fu", haha.... :D

So fun! I never engaged in all this "extended family" stuff in JC or secondary school or anything, you see. I'm grossly deprived of a social life. Haha.

Was quite fun studying with a whole lot of Genes and Soc people; managed to sort quite a few of the things that I didn't understand and when I got home, I stayed up till 2.30 am to finish watching all the interactive CDs that were on the net for our use; I'm so glad I decided to watch them. After watching, went straight to sleep.

And today's paper was quite all right. :D I wanted to leave early, coz I finished the paper and checked it by 10.44 am. Then, upon glancing at my answer sheet, I noticed that I'd forgotten to shade the circles for my matric no. And by the time I was halfway through shading, the clock hit 10.45 am; no more leaving the exam hall within the last fifteen minutes of the paper.


Oh well. It's all over, anyway. :D :D

Shall now wait patiently for 3.00 pm to roll around so that I can go out and breathe the air of a free person and soak up the care-less atmosphere of Orchard Road.

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