Thursday, December 16, 2004

Random thought: How can something be both "new and improved" at the same time?? I mean, if it's "new" then that means that nothing of its kind has ever existed before, right, so it can't have been "improved". And if it's "improved", then that means that there's an older version of it, so it's not "new" anymore then, is it?? *Rolls eyes* Advertising gimmicks.

Raggers' BBQ last night!! Haha... was fun as usual, with people like Shaun around, there's never a lack of food or a lack of variety of food. He's like our own Jamie Oliver, seriously. Probably minus the fact that he doesn't talk as much as Jamie Oliver does. Unless he's busy mumbling to himself, but he's quite endearing when he does that, hahaha.

Have noticed that BBQs are generally unhealthy affairs. Below are my reasons for thinking so.

1. Food is sometimes half-cooked.
2. Food is sometimes not cooked.
3. Food is almost always oily stuff.
4. Food is always experimented with, sometimes resulting in.. odd, combinations.

Like at the last Rag BBQ that we had, Shaun introduced us to cheese shrimps, which basically consisted of covering shrimps with slices of cheese and then wrapping the whole thing up in aluminium foil and setting it on the grill to cook. When you open up the foil after the shrimp is cooked, the cheese will have melted all over it, so you get lovely cheesy shrimp!

At our last BBQ, the aluminium foil was too small, so when the cheese melted, it bubbled out of the opening in the foil and spilled over onto the crabsticks on the grill next to it; that gave us the idea of cheesy crabsticks, haha.

So we had cheesy shrimp again (can I name it "chrimp"?? :D), crabsticks with honey, sausages with honey, sotong balls (does anyone EVER realise how wrong "fishballs" and "sotong balls" sounds?? o_O) with butter or honey or char siew sauce or a very strange combination of all three, or two of the three, and there was roast chicken, curry chicken with potatoes that Jasmine's dad made for us, and chicken with garlic butter that Shaun made, and beef patties with onions that Shaun made too. Oh, and for dessert, banana with chocolate. Whole banana with chocolate cubes; wrapped in foil, of course, then you set it on the grill for a while and when you open it up, the banana's all soft and covered in chocolate. Yummy. :D

I'm making myself hungry all over again. :P

And of course, there was alcohol. Vodka. Smirnoff's in two flavours: Raspberry and Green Apple Twist. Smirnoff's must be the alcoholic beverage with the highest concentration of alcohol that I've ever drunk. 37.5% alcohol.

When I found out, I'd already drunk half a cup, and I was like, "Whoa. No wonder." Haha. Seriously, when you smell it, you can smell the green apple, but when you drink it, you can't even taste the alcohol, but I guarantee that you'll feel it. The minute the thing touches your tongue, the sharpness of it wakes you right up, and upon swallowing the drink, you get that burn that one usually associates with alcohol, only it goes two ways: it shoots right down to your gut and up to your brain at the same time, and the feeling kinda stays there for about five minutes.

That's for the green apple flavoured one, though. The raspberry one tasted milder; probably because on its own, green apple is a sour fruit, after all.

So I drank about a cup of the green apple twist, and I only diluted the last half of it with Coke; even then, it was still damn potent.

I got pretty damn high after that, making random silly comments and giggling about my own and others' funny comments for much longer than a sane person would/should.

Denise kept saying I was drunk. I resent that. I was not drunk, and there is a difference between being completely wasted and drunk and just being high. Also, I have better control of myself than some other people at that BBQ.

Anyway. Moving on.

So I had alcohol, sugar and caffeine (from the Coke and chocolate), and good company. PLENTY of reason for me to be damn high, haha. Our rag BBQs are always the best BBQs that I've ever been to; including the Rag steamboat that we had in school halfway through Rag; at that time, the bunch of us were already becoming VERY familiar with the school, despite the fact that we weren't even matriculated yet then, haha... :D

My sis just came out of my parents' bedroom, announcing that Season One of "The OC" has now officially ended in Singapore.

It reminds me of how crazy over it I was when it first started airing here, and how I proclaimed that it was gonna be my weekly dose of teenage angst. That kinda faded off after a while when for some reason (Singapore Idol, I think) the show went on hiatus for a LONG time, and when it started up again, I was much more busy with other things, like schoolwork.

Well, there goes another good show. I find myself missing Buffy from time to time, despite the fact that I'm not a hardcore fan or anything. The last season was especially enjoyable coz I liked the change in Spike; yes, so I have a thing for tortured, dark characters with attitude problems. Bite me. :P

The ending, the last episode, that is, was slightly predictable, however. That Spike and Anya would die was just something that I saw coming from a mile off. They're a vampire and a vengeance demon respectively, so them helping out on the side of good is just something that isn't supposed to be done. So it makes sense that in the end, in helping the good guys fight the evil that are really their kind, they'd die in the end. It's like coming full circle, after all. If all the evil in the world has to go, then I guess they'd have to go along with it; it is their nature, after all, no matter how much they've changed for the better.

And under that, I suppose there's also an undercurrent as to how opposing your nature never comes to any good end? Something like the "nature vs nurture" argument, I guess.

People can change, I suppose, but how much can they possibly change? And supposing it's all down to nature; then that makes the effort to change obsolete, doesn't it? Or perhaps, making an effort to change what is in one's nature would only be like winding up a toy in a different way.

But what if you wound it up the wrong way? Would that only make it worse? And if you wound it up the wrong way, would it just break completely and become utterly beyond repair, or would it just stop and not go anymore?

Questions, questions, questions. I always have too many of them, and they're mostly useless. In the sense that they don't really have a lot of practical application, that is.

Archery training again tomorrow. Woot. Hope there're seniors! Haha.. Jennifer's really funny, though. Oh, but tomorrow's supposed to be full FITA shoot standard... 50 ends. Meep. 150 arrows. Arm is gonna be so sore. *Shrugs* Oh well.

So I shall leave you here, with an amusing quiz for you to do. :D Isn't the little yellow penguin cute. >_<

What color is your inner penguin?
brought to you by Quizilla

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