Monday, March 07, 2005


Haha... Today was the first day of Arts Carnival, and Kenny was there selling books, with Rachel, William, Sida, Ivan and me as free labour, haha. Well, maybe not really free labour, coz in return for the help, Kenny keeps telling all of us at irregular intervals that if we "see any book that (we) like, just take hor."

So when I first stopped by the booth this morning with Ivan after our 8 am lectures, I took his last copy of Neil Gaiman's "Neverwhere", which I'd previously seen while helping him to sort the books alphabetically. Apparently, he'd given the other copy to Rachel. :D

I think the only thing which comes close to the feeling of having a LOT of books must be selling them. And that's only because the money makes it appealing. :P Otherwise, there's no way I'd sell them. And then again, I wouldn't sell anything that I really loved. :P

Ivan says that Xiaxue is coming tomorrow; some "mini blogging celebrity", in his words. Frankly, I don't really find her blog that much of a great read; I much prefer blogs like mr brown's, if only I actually read them. Haha. But I've seen them before, a few times when Ivan showed me stuff that mr brown blogged about; his writing/blogging style appeals to me much more.

And E Lang mid-term wasn't so bad! :D

I mean, I think we were supposed to study morphemes and syntax and semantics, but the test was more on morphemes than anything else, and the only two PS trees which I had to draw were really simple ones. Although I did get stuck on that question for about a minute. :P

Oh, but you know what really scared me when I walked into the LT? People who had stacks of notes about two or three times as thick as mine. Well, okay, that's not a lot since my stack of lecture notes and tutorial handouts is barely half an inch high, but still. Slightly freaky.

Oh, but I had Dr Madalena's textbook with me. *Grins smugly* Madalena's textbook makes things so much easier; that big fat textbook that Sunita Abraham had us buy has too much unnecessary stuff in it; Ivan agrees with me.

Am so gonna resell that fat textbook next sem. In which case, I hope Sunita Abraham still lectures EL1101E next sem. But then again, in that case, I pity the new batch of EL1101E students next sem. (But that's not really my business, so who cares. *Evil grin*)

But Ivan said that the later parts of the book are applicable for his level 2000 and 3000 E Lang modules, so if I do all right for the intro mod and end up going ahead with my plan to do a minor in English Studies, then I guess... I might keep the book around for use in my later, higher level E Lang modules. *shrugs* We'll see.

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