Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Well, Carnival's finally over, and Kenny's sales over the three days did pretty well, haha. Let's just put it this way; he managed to cover the three days' rent for the booth within the first day, and *still* earn a lot more. :D

Also managed to spread quite a lot of publicity about the online book store and stuff; things are looking up! :)

If you're wondering what I'm talking about, it's Kenny's online bookstore, which can be found at BooksActually.Com, but the site won't be up for a few weeks or so, so you could check back next month, I think. :) Me will be putting a permanent link up in the links section of the sidebar on the right. :)

Saw Xiaxue yesterday, and good grief, she had a horrific amount of makeup on. O_O

And yes, I see Ivan was right when he referred to her as a "mini blogging celebrity". Even in her two-and-half-inch-high heels, she was still shorter than me. Ivan says that she's even shorter than Denise. (-_-)||

And in other news, Soci of Deviance project deadline has been extended to the 21st! A week!! Yay!! *Does a happy little jig* :D

Means only two deadlines next week, and at least I'll be able to portion the work out a lot easier. Oh, and I'm going for Jie's concert tomorrow... :D

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