Friday, April 29, 2005

Just finished watching another lovely ep of "Everwood", but that's not really the point of this post.

Right about now, I'm convinced that bug spray was invented by someone with a sense of humour as sick as mine, for people with a sense of humour as sick as mine. And hers, of course. Or it could be a "he" too. I'm just saying "she", coz.. well. Bugs. And most girls. They don't really go in the same sentence. I believe I don't have to spell it out for you.

In my family, there's my parents, myself, and my two younger sisters; usually the people who deal with household pest problems are my mum and me, coz my two sisters won't go anywhere them. One because she's frightened of the way that they scurry around, and the other because she's convinced that she's fastidiously clean and has an OCD involving dirt, and hence, cannot touch anything as filthy as a roach.

My dad used to kill the roaches around the house, until he got really busy with work and really, we were supposed to be old enough to handle such stuff, anyway; so, now, he doesn't do it anymore.

Which leaves my mum and I as the lone defenders of the cleanliness and pest-proof integrity of our abode.

We usually never had bug spray around the house, so what my mum and I would do, was roll up a stack of newspaper, and then WHAP!

Roaches, 0; house inhabitants, 1.

But recently, we bought a can of insecticide when we were having a problem with mosquitoes a few months ago (turned out to be a blocked drain just outside our house that was spawning them); now that the mozzies are gone, there's still more than enough bug spray to go around, and I'm liberally dispensing it to the roaches. And at the same time, discovering what gleeful fun it can be to watch a roach scuttle about and bump into everything and basically just get hopelessly turned around.

And it doesn't help its case that every dark nook it tries to squeeze into to get away, I'll usually hear a brief scuffle before it scurries back out again, and I get to hit with another dose of spray. The scuffle just means it ran into a lizard. Although after a while it gets a little scary just how many lizards there are hiding in your kitchen.

Oh well. It'll probably run about for a while more before it flips onto its back and squirms in its death throes. And I'll just sweep it up tomorrow morning and throw it out. Forgot to mention that one other good thing about bug spray is that clean-up is much easier; no need to wipe up squashed roach bits off the floor. :P

So, all in all, hurrah for the extremely morbid fun that comes in an aerosol can. :D

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