Friday, September 02, 2005

I have new music; like? Kevin Kern's "We All Fall In Love Sometimes"; I especially like the beginning-- the first short 15 seconds or so has a lingering feel of autumn tinged with sadness and children running in a meadow, mere dots against the expanse of grass, carefree and full of hope.

ROP (Rite of Passage) Camp for the incoming 26th MC is starting in about 2 and a half hours' time, and I'm part of the comm; one of the station I/Cs, with Ivan. Should be fun (probably more for us, the comm, than for them, the incoming MC).

Still looks somewhat overcast outside; have plans to train for a while with Nicholas later, at 4 pm, actually, so I hope it doesn't rain. Well, actually, the lazy part of me does. :P Especially after yesterday's training... 41 push-ups, coz everyone accompanied James to do the 21 that he accumulated as penalties during training... -_-

My back muscles ache. The juniors' probably hurt more though, seeing as they did those push-ups *after* all their training.

Hm hm hm. Hectic next three days. We'll see how everything goes.

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