Saturday, December 17, 2005

Back from Kenny's bookstore opening.... :)

It's a lovely loft-looking place; wide open space and white shelves with white and green walls, and with childhood toys and vintage treasures dotting the place-- here's a small white typewriter sitting innocently beneath a sidetable full of books, old cameras lining the topmost shelf, and there's an old-fashioned little children's piano near where the music boxes are, the Nutcracker perched atop it grinning his face-splitting grin as someone winds up a music box and his Suite begins to play.

Although the music boxes aren't really boxes. They're really quite round. :D

William and Rachel were there, back from NZ-- William's hair is different now, all sort of flat (haha, :D) and Rachel's hair is longer-- Ivan was there too and of course, Kenny and Karen.

Ivan and I amused ourselves most of the time blowing bubbles; you know, the kind that they sell in the form of some rubbery gel in little metallic tubes, and which you blow by putting a blob of it onto the end of a little yellow straw?

Bubbles out of a tube, unlike the Western alternative, where bubbles come out of a bottle. :)

Took a picture with my new phone of the too-bright street lamp hanging from its metal limb right outside the window. And I could imagine in that very moment that if all the lights in the store were turned off, the street lamp would light everything in the room, casting light in angular patterns and the decals stuck on the windows like depictions of fairytales playing over the floor and the walls; the three bears out of Goldilocks hurrying across a shelf and dancing over the spines of Murakamis and Nabokovs and Orwells. And places where the light couldn't reach making calm shadows in quietly dark corners. And the picture of the white light on the white walls and the white shelves lined with their books looked and felt like winter.

Perhaps because of all the white. Perhaps because of a little flicker of a comparison of the rustle of pages in the wind and the crunch of new snow underfoot.

I want to buy shelves from Ikea and install them on the walls of my room... I need shelves. And I've kinda just realised that Christmas is less than then days away. Wow. Somehow days have lost their significance and only deadlines have any meaning anymore.

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