Thursday, December 25, 2003


Went with John to see Lord of the Rings: Return of the King yesterday, and MY GOD-

It should be a bloody CRIME for any man to look as beautiful as Orlando Bloom did in his last shot. Or last two shots, really. :D

When Frodo was back in Rivendell and the hobbits were all jumping around on his bed (Oh, btw, isn't Pippin the most adorable little hobbit alive, haha. Well, I mean Billy Boyd, of course. :P) and then Legolas shows up in the doorway wearing his silvery-purple tunic, I SWEAR, right then, I knew what the phrase "to have your jaw hit the floor" meant!! O.O

Then secondly:
At Aragorn's coronation.... that circlet, so simple yet so elegant, and he looked ALL the MORE GORGEOUS- oh GOOD GRIEF....

What have we done to deserve a sight as breathtaking as thee?

No one's life is complete without watching the LOTR Trilogy; I mean all three movies.

And of course, we should all watch it and worship the perfection that is Orlando Bloom, and stand in awe of the diversity of Viggo Mortensen's many talents. :P

I swear, I'm letting my girlishness take over in this post, but heck, I don't care. :P

Oh, and Billy Boyd's voice is wonderful.

It's not as broad or polished as an accomplished singer's would be, but it doesn't matter; for that song that he sang, it's simply heartbreaking.

".... All shall fade..."

Yes, and that coupled with the shots of Faramir's company riding to their certain doom.... That was the first time in the movie that the tears started up in my eyes.

Oh, and speaking of hobbits; YES, Samwise Gamgee is THE bravest little hobbit of all!!! Whatever would poor helpless little Frodo do without him?!?

GO SAM!!! And Pippin too, haha. Scratch one for Pippin when he stabbed that orc sneaking up on Gandalf.

"No place for a hobbit" eh, Mithrandir? :P

I need to buy the soundtrack.... I love the music.

And I need to go watch it again!!! I HAVE TO!!! :P

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