Thursday, December 11, 2003

Woohoo.... found a whole LOT of excellent brushes and pictures yesterday.

Something tells me that I'm about to go on a Photoshop editing spree soon. :P

Meanwhile, in another shocking news (well, all right, not all that shocking, haha) I have found out that Ben Adams has an official site and well, a strong solo career. For that matter, so does Mark Read. And actually, both sites look kinda similar. Except for the fact that Ben's is black & white.

Like I said... the things that go on in this world when you're not looking or paying attention. Geez.

I swear, I live under a rock. Or in a shell. I might even be a tortoise and not know it. :P

Lalala.... what else to type?

Oh, yes, well, me's currently obsessed with the Pirates of the Caribbean Theme. It's fantastic, especially one part in the middle; the best part of the piece. It starts at 2.01 minutes. :P Also, combining the electric guitar solo with the orchestra is very cool. :D

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