Friday, July 25, 2003

Yeah, you'll realise that the blog looks different now....

That's coz while I was editing it yesterday morning, I deleted a whole lot of HTML code, and the blog was messed up, so I had to change the template!!

And this template, as compared to the nice blue one that I had, just absolutely sucks.

For goodness' sake, it's orange.

I have a strong aversion to orange.

Orange only looks nice on oranges.

Have band later today. Supposedly, it's a make-up practice for Wednesday, so that means that band prac is still as usual tomorrow.

Just had the geog concept map test during the last period.

Wasn't too bad, considering that I only studied for it this morning, haha. I know that I'll definitely get 20 outta 25. :D

Bored....can't wait to get the day over with. I'm planning to be very busy on Saturday; have to get in some revision for Monday's Geog test and some time to do essay questions for Geog and Econs.

Gonna have consultation next period, and later on in the day there's double GP (save us, whatever gods are out there). Actually looking forward to band coz I'll get to see all the band people....

But then again, a lot of people might not want to come. Sigh. Oh well....

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