Sunday, February 29, 2004


Had to crawl out of bed at a bloody ungodly hour this morning to go to church.

Well, it was 8.15 am, and I know that by normal standards, that's hardly an "ungodly hour", but it's SUNDAY!!! Sunday was MADE for sleeping in late!!! You're not supposed to wake up at bloody 8 am on a SUNDAY!!!

Anyway, yes, was rather difficult to haul my lazy ass out of bed this morning coz last night was on the phone with Wei Jian till about... uh.... 1 something? 2 am? I dunno. Talked about all sorts of nonsense, but took extra special care to avoid topic of results. :P Actually, I think Wei Jian did most of the rambling, haha.

Pam and I agreed yesterday that the world should end on Tuesday. That way, we'll get to watch the Oscars and watch LOTR win the Best Picture and everything else that it's nominated for on Monday, and then the world can end on Tuesday so that we won't have to go get our results!! And we'll all die happy!!!

Wonderful stuff. :P

But Kevin doesn't want that to happen. He wants to go to Ireland. His Uni of Ireland thing... he wants to go there and study History and something else if I remember right. Well, if he wants to go to Ireland, he still has a day to fly over there and see all the sights before the world ends on Tuesday!

Argh.... shall shut up for a while. Am not making any sense. Am confusing myself, damn it. It's awfully easy to confuse yourself, you'll find, when you have a brain as minute as mine, haha.

Just spent about two hours downstairs making cookies. If I'm lucky, some of them might be able to remain relatively unharmed and there'll still be some left by this Saturday to bring for Pam during band or something, haha.

Oh yes, Pam brought LOTS of stuff yesterday. All her cookies and shortbread and stuff that she made.... I now feel distinctly, slightly wider now after eating all that stuff yesterday.

Must exercise. Will make a point of getting up early one of these days and running up the hill to the houses round the back of my estate!!

Am such a lazy ass. Sigh. I think I actually need PE....

Saturday, February 28, 2004



Had to get that out of my system.

A level results coming out next week.

I am so fucking screwed. Yes, sorry for the F-word, but this post is gonna contain a lot of them, I think, so if you're averse to hearing/reading the F-word, get lost right now; don't read this damn fucking thing and then later email me or something to complain to me about profanity on the Net. I don't give a fuck and it's a free world so fuck you.

I have warned you, so there.


Going to be in such deep bloody shit.

Need to get into a Uni, but I don't even know what the HELL I wanna do with my life!!! Psychology will be too damn hard to get into with my crap results. I just KNOW that my results are gonna be abso-fucking-lute crap. I just hope and pray that I pass; oh crap.

My SAT score is pretty good, but damn it, that's not gonna do a fat lot of good if my A's are screwed, is it?!??!!

Damn it.

This is worrying me to no bloody end.

Pam's come online.

Will go talk to her. Talking to Pam or Syl or John always cheers me up.....

Monday, February 23, 2004

Just watched the Screen Actors' Guild Awards and felt an incredible need to blog because Johnny Depp won the Best Actor Award thing!!

Ahem. All righty. I'll calm down.

I mean, I'm absolutely happy that Lord of the Rings won the Best Ensemble in a Motion Picture award, but I never doubted that they wouldn't win!!

And when they read out the nominees for the Actor award, there was Bill Murray and Ben Kingsley and I thought that Bill Murray'd win coz he won the Golden Globe but then Renee Zellweger read out "Johnny Depp" and I dropped the remote, but it was a good thing that it didn't get damaged!!

I'm wigging out again. Must take deep breaths.

Control excitement.


Haha. Well, Johnny Depp wasn't there though, that was unfortunate. Hope the guy's really happy though, coz he abso-bloody-lutely damn well deserved it!!! :D

Er, Orlando Bloom wasn't with the Lord of the Rings cast either when they picked up their award.... (neither were Viggo Mortensen and Dominic Monaghan and Elijah Wood and Ian McKellen...) slightly disappointing, but it was fun to watch those of the cast present jostle about to get to speak at the mic! Feel kinda sorry for Sean Astin, haha... he was talking about the Union and something about... um... well, I dunno, haha, and then he got shoved out of the way by John Rhys-Davies, who wanted to introduce "the worst actor in the whole room" who was one of their producers, haha.

Geez, I just can't stop rambling!!!!

Argh... that's it. I'll shut up now.

But I am still very very happy. :D :D

Sunday, February 22, 2004

Met Pam before going for alumni band today. Walked around Orchard, looking at things that we couldn't afford, ie: taking part in the most exquisite form of torture ever invented by humankind: window shopping. :P

Well, not "window" shopping per se, since we spent most of our time in Kino looking at books and not looking at stuff through shop windows, lol.

Oh, when we got there though, there was this guy doing some cooking demonstration; promotion for his cookbook. :P Was some cuttlefish dish, and he peeled a tomato with a cook's knife, which I find somewhat amazing, coz well, despite the fact that the knife was rather big and ungainly and everything, he managed to peel the tomato so nicely!! :P

Can't remember his name though. Christian something, I think.

Pam got her seventh earhole.

It was rather horrifying to watch the process, really. :P

There's this little gun thingy, and the lady pulled it back, putting the ear stud of choice on one end and the catch on the other end, and then she put it on Pam's ear, and then just SNAP! the thing drove straight into her ear-- :S

Got a shock myself, haha... :P

Today's alumni band was really fun, actually.

Xiaochuan came!! Haha.... geez, he's lost a lot of weight! He's about um... three quarters the size that he was when we were still in school! And his head's shaved really close too, haha.

Kwan Chin came back too; Chee Khiong says that he's second leftenant or something now that's he's graduated from OCS. Daniel couldn't come today; Yee Hui says the poor guy's got a fever.

Pam and I got to school at 5.45, and we figured that since we were early we'd just sit in the quadrangle, haha... We ended up sitting there till about 6 and I was lying down with my head on my bag looking up at the sky (which was really very blue; not a cloud in sight) when Chee Khiong appeared on the third storey and saw us and came down to sit with us, haha.

Pei Hsia showed up after that, and she didn't come down, but then Yee Hui and Kiat Meng showed up almost immediately after her and Yee Hui unlocked the band room and she and Kiat Meng came down to joing us... It was starting to look like a picnic by the time Kevin joined us, haha...

I mean, the rubberised ground of the quad is green too; it could've passed for grass, lol.

Ran through Phantom of the Opera once; got to hear what it should actually sound like. There're some parts, some of the song selections in the piece, which I don't seem to recall, though. Maybe I'll go listen to the Phantom soundtrack that we have just to refresh my memory. :D

And Pam made wonderful cookies. I think they're cookies. Not very good with baking... um.... terminology, haha. Think she said they were shortbread. Very very nice stuff. Sort of melts in your mouth; not like chocolate does though-- this is different.

Chocolate just gets warm and then it'll start to go all gooey and spread out all over your tongue, but this one gets a little crumbly when you put it in your mouth, and then the little crumbs start to stick together a little and they make this nice soft lump in your mouth which isn't too sweet or too sticky. :D

My description sucks, but yeah, that's sorta what it's like, lol. :D

Have also decided that I have to get myself my own clarinet mouthpiece. Since I seriously doubt that I'll be able to buy myself a whole clarinet right now, I'll just settle for a mouthpiece, so that at least I won't have to keep sharing mouthpieces with the main band people.... :S

Sunday, February 15, 2004

Valentine's day gift tally: 2.

Haha.... well, that doesn't really matter; I have chocolate biscuits from Pam and a handphone accessory from Sylvia! And the chocolate biscuits are egg-free; musn't forget to mention that, lol.

Egg-free, thanx to the bird flu that's going around right now.

Oh, and the handphone accessory that Syl got me is this little thing with my name on it that I saw at Annex last year, but I decided not to buy it coz well, money was always a little tight for me when I was in school, lol. :P

It feels so good when you're out and you actually have money to spend, lol.

I went down to Kino, and with the $20.20 that I had left after lunch, I could have bought a book of Coleridge's poems, or "Songs of Innocence" and "Songs of Experience" by William Blake, or a book of Robert Frost's poems, or 1984!!

So fun, haha.... :D

Hm... went to Gramophone; they're selling Norah Jones' new album there for $2 cheaper than CD-Rama is. :D

Oh, I bought her previous album, though. It was only $12.95. I finally own a Norah Jones album, haha. I'm playing it now on the com, btw. :D

I found out that the set of Band of Brothers VCDs (12 in all for 10 eps) costs $54.90 there. Not bad, I guess; it works out to be exactly $4.58 per disc! :P

Hm.... saw a lot of other CDs there too.. ROTK soundtrack costs $18.95, and so does the Love Actually soundtrack, which I have to buy for my sis.

Oh well.

Lalala.... happy days indeed. :D

Saturday, February 14, 2004

I have cookies!!!

Nice, pretty, yummy chocolate chip cookies, hahaha....

And I made them all by myself! :D

It was 1 am by the time I put them in the fridge, and they're nice. Quite sweet. Maybe a little hard, but just a little. :P Need more experience, haha.

I scorched a small batch just a little; I put six of them a bit too high up in the oven; too near the heating element-- got scorched just a bit, and those are um... haha. Those are really hard to bite through on the top, but they still taste just fine, lol.

John's enlisting on Tuesday, so the only one of the trainee boys who'll be left then is Wei Jian. Edison, Mark, Wai Lun all enlisted already....

Just had a mental image of Edison with all his hair shaved off. It's slightly shocking. Edison loves his hair!! :P

Oh, speaking of hair, Wei Jian had all his cropped really short, haha. When some of us went out for dinner on Wed, even Pam thought that he'd enlisted already, haha. Turns out he's only going off to Tekong in April, but he gave some strange, long, convoluted reasoning for cropping it so short so soon, and I can't really remember nor see the logic in it, but well, that's just me.

I think he just wanted to get used to the look, haha. :P

Well, Happy V-Day. :D :D

Thursday, February 12, 2004

Bloody hell.....

Fell asleep at 6 am... only had two bloody hours of sleep, and I think it's because of the mocha that I drank last night!!!

Damn it, I knew something was gonna come of drinking coffee so damn late....

Spent the wee hours of the morning reading fics-- Very bad, coz I think I'm becoming obsessed with slash. o.O Not good.

RPS slash too, especially, coz I found this site that has a whole lot of um.... JD/OB pairing fics, and unfortunately (yes, I've said this before) slash writers are damn good writers.


Maybe it was bound to happen sooner or later, yeah? What with me being the sick, twisted little thing that I am.... Anyway, subject matter involving heatstroke, severe nausea and Orlando Bloom is really fun. :P

Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Got back from dinner with Pam, John, Wei Jian, Dawn and Sherlyn at exactly 10 pm.

We went to Nooch at Wheelock Place; the food was nice. Never been there before and I've actually always wondered how people get up there.... I never noticed the escalator that went up before, haha.

Probably because the minute I step into Wheelock Place I gravitate straight towards Borders, lol. :D

Dinner was fun.... don't think I've ever seen Wei Jian so talkative before; it's almost strange, but it's nice, really. :D

John was right, lol.... he is coming out of his shell. "De-hermit-ising" as we both call it, haha.

Apparently, he goes back for band every chance he gets too... Wei Jian, I mean, not John. It's nice to know that I'm not the only loser who likes going back for band, haha. :P

Sherlyn's working at IRAS.... That's like... um, really important sort of work, man... I mean, a really proper office job, you know? Not like the kinds if part-time jobs that most of us are picking up these days.

Tomorrow's gonna be interesting... Khai Yee's coming down to work for Auntie Sharon; helping her with getting flowers ready for V-Day and everything. Should be fun.

Oh yes, Auntie Sharon had 1000 roses delivered to her shop today.


So exciting, haha..... I've NEVER seen so many roses before in my life! Forgive me if I sound spastic, but really, the smallest things in life just excite me to no end, haha.... :P

Roses all over the place... haha... they filled one whole supermarket trolley, and they took up all the space on the coffee table and the floor outside her shop too.... haha...

I have no idea how she's gonna fit them all inside the fridge in her shop!

Granted that it's a really big fridge, but still, it's a thousand roses!! :D

Oh well. Shall stop here before me spasticity gets the better of

Thursday, February 05, 2004



Must stop beginning my posts with "lalala". Makes me sound brainless and idiotic and like someone who really has nothing better to with her life.

You know what the really sad thing is?

I think all of the above is true. O.o

Oh well. Can't have everything in Life, can we? :D Me being as lazy as I am.... I probably missed the queue for a lot of virtuous character traits... o.O

I have absolutely no idea what to post, which makes me wonder why I'm even bothering to blog. What's the point in blogging if there's nothing interesting in your life to blog about??


Let's see..... what the hell did I do today.....

Not much, I just read this one story.... which was really good, come to think of it. :D

Um.... was a POTC fic, and it's really long, lol. It's already 142 pages long in Word in Verdana size 9 font. :D But it's really very nice, and for the first time ever for me, the romance in the story isn't nauseating. In fact, the romance that the author uses is kinda commonsensical, and it provides a good way to get into character analysis. Fun. :D

And what's more, it's about the second really good POTC fic that I've come across which isn't slash. I'm telling you, those slash writers are damn good.

Speaking of slash.... I was chatting with John about two nights ago, and it was the first time I'd ever seen so grossed out when I explained to him what slash was and gave him examples of the slash pairings that you get in the POTC fandom.

It was almost funny, the way the poor guy was so um... expressly expressing his discomfort over the topic of discussion. :P

And speaking of pairings.... I found Orlando Bloom/Johnny Depp pairing fics on one POTC site; interesting really. I loved the style of writing of one of them; there's something about short sentences, and sensory and setting descriptions that does it for me. :)

Wow. And to think that I started off this post with nothing much to speak of..... :P

Sunday, February 01, 2004

Well, welcome to the sadness and pathetic-ness (I know that's not a proper word. It's just for the lack of a better one.) that is my life.

Remember the list of movies that I came up with some time back?

I've decided not to watch "Peter Pan", since my sis watched it with her friends and she said that there's a lot of innuendo between Peter and Wendy.

Now that's just not right.

J.M Barrie didn't write "Peter Pan" just so that anyone could put in innuendo between Peter Pan and Wendy Darling! It's just supposed to be a whole lot of kids having fun and being kids! There isn't supposed to be that sort of... mushy love thing, mainly because the kids are (I suppose) blissfully unaware of the trouble that calls itself love.

Oh well. Enough ranting.

So, that brings it down to this: there're only two movies that I wanna watch this year. "Hidalgo" and "Troy". Yeah, I finally made up my mind about those two. Although, knowing what an indecisive little bugger I am.... Never mind.

And you know what the funny thing is?

In 2003, I also watched only two movies. "X-Men 2" and "Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King".

So now, I'm gonna watch two movies again, for 2004.

And I've even got the two movies that I wanna watch for 2005 lined up: "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" and "Kingdom of Heaven".

Geez, I am pathetic.

But I guess there just aren't that many films that catch my attention, anyway. :P