Thursday, February 12, 2004

Bloody hell.....

Fell asleep at 6 am... only had two bloody hours of sleep, and I think it's because of the mocha that I drank last night!!!

Damn it, I knew something was gonna come of drinking coffee so damn late....

Spent the wee hours of the morning reading fics-- Very bad, coz I think I'm becoming obsessed with slash. o.O Not good.

RPS slash too, especially, coz I found this site that has a whole lot of um.... JD/OB pairing fics, and unfortunately (yes, I've said this before) slash writers are damn good writers.


Maybe it was bound to happen sooner or later, yeah? What with me being the sick, twisted little thing that I am.... Anyway, subject matter involving heatstroke, severe nausea and Orlando Bloom is really fun. :P

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