Sunday, February 01, 2004

Well, welcome to the sadness and pathetic-ness (I know that's not a proper word. It's just for the lack of a better one.) that is my life.

Remember the list of movies that I came up with some time back?

I've decided not to watch "Peter Pan", since my sis watched it with her friends and she said that there's a lot of innuendo between Peter and Wendy.

Now that's just not right.

J.M Barrie didn't write "Peter Pan" just so that anyone could put in innuendo between Peter Pan and Wendy Darling! It's just supposed to be a whole lot of kids having fun and being kids! There isn't supposed to be that sort of... mushy love thing, mainly because the kids are (I suppose) blissfully unaware of the trouble that calls itself love.

Oh well. Enough ranting.

So, that brings it down to this: there're only two movies that I wanna watch this year. "Hidalgo" and "Troy". Yeah, I finally made up my mind about those two. Although, knowing what an indecisive little bugger I am.... Never mind.

And you know what the funny thing is?

In 2003, I also watched only two movies. "X-Men 2" and "Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King".

So now, I'm gonna watch two movies again, for 2004.

And I've even got the two movies that I wanna watch for 2005 lined up: "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" and "Kingdom of Heaven".

Geez, I am pathetic.

But I guess there just aren't that many films that catch my attention, anyway. :P

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