Saturday, February 28, 2004



Had to get that out of my system.

A level results coming out next week.

I am so fucking screwed. Yes, sorry for the F-word, but this post is gonna contain a lot of them, I think, so if you're averse to hearing/reading the F-word, get lost right now; don't read this damn fucking thing and then later email me or something to complain to me about profanity on the Net. I don't give a fuck and it's a free world so fuck you.

I have warned you, so there.


Going to be in such deep bloody shit.

Need to get into a Uni, but I don't even know what the HELL I wanna do with my life!!! Psychology will be too damn hard to get into with my crap results. I just KNOW that my results are gonna be abso-fucking-lute crap. I just hope and pray that I pass; oh crap.

My SAT score is pretty good, but damn it, that's not gonna do a fat lot of good if my A's are screwed, is it?!??!!

Damn it.

This is worrying me to no bloody end.

Pam's come online.

Will go talk to her. Talking to Pam or Syl or John always cheers me up.....

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