Thursday, June 17, 2004

All right, two days ago, found this lovely Hector/Paris vid; was so lovely that I almost cried. Very appropriate choice of song too. The Calling's "For You".

Weepy stuff. Sob. Wibble.

Fave parts of the vid are when the second line of the song comes on: "I am justice" and it's accompanied by a shot of Hector; beautifully appropriate. Wibble.

And the part where Hector and Paris are riding back towards the city gates after the Paris vs Menelaus duel (really, should we even call it a duel? More like an ass-kicking) and Hector tells him to get inside and then he calls out to the archers, but coz all the sound in the clips is cut out and dubbed over with the lovely song, Hector's yelling coincides with the moment where the singer sings a loud, simple "For you", and it's followed by the shot of the whole Greek army starting their charge and it's just wonderful. Sigh. Bigger wibble.

It's almost like saying that he's only fighting it (the war, I mean) for Paris, y'know? That's what that scene transition in the vid looks like to me. 'Tis most lovely. Wibble.

And the two occasions in the vid where the lyrics go "You are the light that shines the way" and it shows Paris' face... Sigh, wibble, melty puddle of Gerri-goo.

And the end where um, Hector dies, well.

We all know my reaction to that already...

*flat-out wibbling and moaning and sobbing*

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