Tuesday, June 22, 2004

Well, it's 12.07 am now, so by right, the arts camp thingy starts later today. So I really should be asleep. But I really never get around to doing the things that I really should be doing. Which is why I'm such a goddamn failure in life.

But well.

So I should really get to sleep soon.

But I have to double and triple check my checklist again. Yeah.

All right.

Well, just the other day, Gerri realised that she now hates Wolfgang Petersen.

I mean, there were some parts that I liked in the movie better than in the Iliad, like Agamemnon getting killed in Troy so that means that he never got to savour his victory, and the bit where Hector kills Menelaus, and the ending where at least Andromache and Astyanax get away instead of being captured or thrown from the battlements, and more people than just Aeneas get out of the city, but I hate Wolfgang Petersen because he had two actors who worked so goddamn well as brothers but he didn't give the two of them enough screen time together!!

Well, maybe I just want more gratuituous Eric Bana and Orlando Bloom ogling, but seriously, I went to watch the film waiting for a little heart-to-heart scene between the two brothers, and I almost squealed with joy when Eric Bana, sorry, I mean Hector, says that "I must speak with Paris", but then later he steps out into the corridor and Helen comes by and he never ends up going to speak with Paris; at least not that we know in the movie.

Stupid Helen.

I hate Helen! She started the whole stupid Trojan War. Stupid Aphrodite.



And in other news, Gerri is now obsessed with LiveJournal Icons, despite the fact that she does not and has no desire to own a Livejournal. I've got several pretty ones stashed in my computer now, just for looking at. I've made three myself! :D

They're all so pretty. :P

All right, I really should go check my stuff and get to sleep.

Will be back on 25th June, when the camp ends.

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