Friday, June 25, 2004

Back from Arts Camp!! :D :D

Yeah. So that means that I have 4 days and 3 nights activities to note down. :P

Am actually sleepy and tired as all hell-- I have this distinct feeling that I've slept less than 15 hours in the last 72 hours-- but I just have to get this down; I doubt I'll forget it, but I have to get it down somewhere, anyway. :)

I love my OG and my councillors!! My OG just bonded so well; I mean, we started out kinda awkward, yeah, but on the second day, after coming back from Sentosa, we just sorta clicked-- that was pretty cool. :D

I miss them already... Yingyi, Denise, Sharon, Mary, Wan Tsin, Xu Yang, Gareth, John, Wei Min and Alex; most of us are coming back for Rag anyway. :D And our councillors too; Ming Tuan was our OGL and he got best councillor in our house (yay!); he has this really funny laugh, I tell you; whenever he laughs, it sounds like someone who's laughing at some slapstick comedy or something. And there's Judy, who's his girlfriend, and Kenneth and Jiarong; Kenneth is pretty damn funny too. :D And our house ICs, Raynard and Debbie; Raynard is damn funny; I've never met a funnier person in my life!! It's like he was just BORN funny, man; he has all this really stupid jokes and songs like his "countries of the world" song, where he just names all the countries of the world in one long stretch, but he does it to a melody, of course, and the stupid games that he teaches us; they're all really damn stupid, but that's really why it makes us laugh!!! :D :D

Sad thing is, four of the five guys in our group aren't actually coming to Arts.. Wei Min's going to Engin, John and Gareth are going to Archi, and Xu Yang's going into SMU business; only Alex is actually coming to Arts! Which means that they can't come back for Rag with the rest of us, coz they really should participate with their own faculties, haha.

Not much happened on the first day, but on the second day we went to Sentosa. Played this game called "Chase" for the first part of the day; was that kinda thing where you run around looking for stations and the stations have tasks that you need to perform or games that you need to play. So, we had four stations, and our third station was at Tanjong Beach, and we had to make our way there from the Merlion, which was pretty far, so we were on our way there, when we happened upon this pick-up truck driver, and we asked him for a lift and he was so nice to give it to us! We passed one group on the way there, Pam's group actually, heehee; and we were waving from the truck and everything. So the Tanjong Beach station had Kenneth and Judy for stationmasters, and they're our councillors, so they were really proud of us for hitching a ride, haha...

And when we were leaving, Kenneth was like, "I'll help you all find another truck", haha.. Oh, but we *did* find another one, and when we were driving off, we yelled bye to them, and Kenneth was like: "I salute you, man!" And he actually did stand up on the bench down on the beach and salute as we drove off to Sijori Resort. And from Sijori, we managed to hitch another ride down back to Tanjong Beach which was supposed to be the last stop for the game for everyone, and when we arrived back, Kenneth was still there, and he was so proud of us, haha!!!

So by the end of the day, I think everyone knew about us, the group that managed to hitch three rides!! And towards the end of the day itself, when we were walking back to PGP, down that long stretch of road, past al those small little houses which serve as small research centres and the like, Aaron drove up and offered to give us a lift the rest of the way, haha; ANOTHER ride!! And Kenneth said that the van and lorry gods must be smiling on us, LOL.....

So yeah, Sentosa was fun, and later that night we had night ventures; you know, that sorta thing where the seniors dress up as ghosts and try to scare the crap out of you. Was pretty fun. While we were waiting, they also had us do this Secret Pal thing; see each of us was assigned this Secret Pal, and we were each given nicknames, which were the only thing that we knew each other by. So while waiting for the dispatchers to take us to the places that we'd have to go to for our night venture, they blindfolded us and let us talk to our SPs; literally blind-dating, I tell you. :P

Anyway, yeah, got along pretty well with my SP; when our councillors came to take us back to our groups, I found out that we'd been talking for two hours!! Unreal, man! I have not, and never would have talked to a complete stranger for two hours, but well, right then, I'd done it, haha. He was easy enough to get along with, really. Oh, then later they took us for our night venture; my OG was the last group to go, haha. I think besides me, Denise and Gareth got on pretty well with their SPs too

on the third day we had another of those stations-type games at the SRC and we were just running around trying to complete as many stations as possible, and at the end we had this massive all-out waterbomb fight using half the field! Our house ICs were given bamboo poles with plastic hula hoops tied in front of them, and they had to cover the hoops with newspaper; then all at the same time, every house would run to all the rest and throw their house's waterbombs at the other houses' hoops and try to break the newspaper, and my house won!! Haha... Woohoo! Was damn fun; we were throwing the leftover waterbombs at each other and whatever the Science and Engin and Bizad camps were doing out there on that same field, it sure must've looked damn boring as compared to us!! Ha, suckers. :P

Then that night we all had our SPs revealed and we had dinner with them; like an early phase of SDU, I tell you; the seniors planned all this really romantic like setting with tealights and they turned off the lights in the hall and everything, but it was still packed food as always, so that wasn't too romantic, haha! And despite the tealights, it wasn't bright enough; couldn't really see what we were eating! Lol... Oh, but my SP was nice; average-looking guy, but he's a decent guy; he kept asking me if I needed another drink or more tissue or something, haha.. but he was just trying to be nice anyway; I think it was kinda awkward for most of us, anyway! :P Ah, yes, and his name's Edmund. :)

Well, after that, the seniors booked this club for us-- for six hours, I tell you! Who dances for six hours?! All right, anyway, they booked this place for us, this place called Mox; was on the fourth floor of a shophouse-like place around Tanjong Pagar. Danced for a while with my OG, even got pushed up onto the stage with them at one point, but for the second half of the night, I was sitting outside on the balcony with Gareth and Sharon and Yingyi coz it was really loud and pretty warm inside.

Judy said that we had to stay awake coz it was the last night and everything, so we came back and showered and went downstairs to play truth or dare, but when it was the first person's turn, we realised that we kinda tired to do any kind of daring, so it became truth or truth, haha...

Anyway, we only lasted till 6.30 am. :P We all went to sleep then and woke up at about 9 plus and packed and everything and went downstairs to the hall for breakfast at 10.45 am. Yeah, that was it. So, yeah, was really fun.

Have signed up for Rag and as freshman councillor for O Week, pretty much like the rest of my OG, so I'll probably be going for Rag camp next week. Yep, another camp, haha.

This must be the longest post in the whole blog!! :D :D

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