Friday, June 04, 2004

Haven't blogged for days... more than a week, I think. Not that nothing exciting's happened or anything, but I was just too lazy to blog. :P

Anyway, performance is tomorrow... Phantom is okay, but Appalachian still sucks. Especially the Coda bit. Eugh.

And I still need to find myself a pair of black pants! ARGH!! Why does this ALWAYS happen to me before performance?!?

Oh, and the Miss Universe pagaent was on on Wednesday night, and Australia won!! Ha, I was so happy when USA had to settle for 1st runner-up, haha....

Oh, but Miss Australia looks like Diane Kruger from some angles.... it's scary. And Miss USA had to be the most BORING person I'd ever seen in a beauty pageant; she was just blond and had this sweet, wholesome looking face, and-- gah, well, she just looked so boring!!

Oh, and Miss Paraguay had LOVELY eyes. Beautiful. And no, it had nothing to do with the eyeshadow. But her blue eyeshadow did go very nicely with her eyes. And Miss Jamaica had a really nice, smooth, sorta low, sexy kinda voice. :D No, really, I loved her voice! :D

Argh... spend all this time looking at pretty women and making myself feel inadequate; yes, human beings are naturally masochistic; this is another point to prove my theory. Hey, if I get to do Psychology, maybe my thesis for my Masters will be on the masochistic inclinations of the human race. :D

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