Saturday, May 07, 2005

The day before yesterday, Steven was making plans and inviting people to join in a DotA LAN gaming session after the exams had *all* officially ended; on the 6th of May, that is.

So... yesterday, we (actually, just Ivan and me, coz I think all the other guys had played the game before) learned that LAN gaming is quite fun. Sorta. (That's just me. Ivan seemed like he was enjoying the whole thing.)

I sorta grasped the basics, but was never able to make any significant contribution to whichever team I was playing on, except maybe destroying a couple or so of the opposing team's towers every now and then, and in the second game that I played, while following one band of little footsoldier troops (which drew fire while I attacked the higher-ranking enemy footsoldiers and the enemy's towers) I suddenly found myself near the other team's base, so I just merrily went ahead and started destroying the base's buildings. The footsoldiers did the same, of course. The game programmes them to automatically engage/ take down any enemy unit that they see.

So in the end, I found it enjoyable, yes, but it's probably the sort of thing that really becomes fun when you've actually got the hang of it. And I don't think that it's the sort of thing that I could get hooked on, thankfully. Steven and the rest of the guys have been raving about it for ages, and I don't think it'd do to add more things onto my obsession list. :P

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