Tuesday, October 19, 2004

GEK2001 Project is in!! It's over! :D

Woohoo! One down, er... three to go. I think.

And it looks damn professional too; we bought a nice file for it, put everything into its pockets, and it looks damn good!

Missed the second part of Pearl Harbour coz of 2nd OM yesterday. Damn. Didn't get to see Josh Hartnett die.

Haha. Yes. Part of the reason why I watch Pearl Harbour is to watch Josh Hartnett die. Actually, it's more like this:

Gerri's reasons for watching "Pearl Harbour"

30% --> For the kick that I get out of watching war movies; all the camaraderie and stuff
30% --> For action, I suppose
20% --> For the history
20% --> To watch Josh Hartnett die

Yep. That's about it. Don't really have much to say, so I shall go off now. Supposed to be at training now, anyway... K, I shall be off, then.

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