Wednesday, October 27, 2004

Had SE1101E lect today. Montesano. People like Montesano are the whole reason why I bought the recorder. :D

Trying to do Soci readings now. Have to finish the last three readings by today for tmw's tutorial... Crap. I finished the religion reading last night, but then when I sat down today and started reading again, I realised that there were an awful lot of pages left for just two readings.

And that was when I remembered that we'd already discussed religion last week.

Which means that I spent so much time on that religion reading, for NOTHING!

Well, not really for nothing, but I could've spent that time on the three readings that are of greater importance at this point in time!

Shit... which means that right now, I have to finish those three readings, my research and presentation for my Lit, all by tonight........

Gonna die. Again. Not gonna sleep tonight. Again.

What's new.

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