Saturday, October 30, 2004

Ivan Kwan attracts gay men!!

*Falls off chair laughing hysterically*

Sorry, Ivan. Just had to say that. Hahahaha....... :D

In clubroom right now, was studying today after training (I've finished my Soci readings!! Yay!!) ; about fifteen minutes ago, Ivan was checking his Friendster, and he was looking at this message that he'd received from a complete stranger who went by the name of "Tan". It said, "hi, cute hunk" and had a winking smiley on the end.

So, he clicked on the person's name just to see if he could get a picture or perhaps some info about who it was; what came up was the basic window with the person's information and stuff-- the person was male and under the "wants to meet people for:" field (or something to that effect; can't remember exactly what it said), the two things that stood out the most were:

"Relationship men" and "dating men".

*Falls off chair laughing again*

Ivan scrambled off the bench and proclaimed that Friendster was evil and that he was traumatised for life while I just sat there and laughed.

Funny thing is, the primary pic on Ivan's profile is a group picture where the only guys in it are him and Yaozhong. So, question is, which of the two guys did "Tan" think Ivan was?? Hahaha...

Tristan and I think that "Tan" probably got the right person; Ivan's the only one in that picture wearing white while everyone else is wearing black, and he's more or less in the centre of the picture, haha.

Right, anyway, it was a wonderful source of amusement for a while; we went through the guy's list of friends, and Tristan pointed out that "Tan's" friends were ALL male. Haha... And there was a 13-year-old boy among them. Which was slightly freaky. Until Ivan suggested that the kid could be "Tan's" brother or something.

Still faintly tickled by the whole thing. :D

Not much else to say.. will probably be home late again. Which I find that I don't really mind; I'd actually rather stay in school and complete whatever I have to do, etc.. speaking of which, I do have quite a lot to do in a relatively short period of time. Again.

1. EN2101E Essay, due 4/11
2. GEK1527 Bioethics Essay, due 5/11
3. SE1101E Presentation on 5/11
4. EN2101E Project Report due next week

And I still need to read a lot of stuff for exams.... crap.

Note to self: next sem, do readings EVERY week. Don't slack, damn it.

Archery training: training form!

Which means target at 5m, shooting with eyes closed. Good to know that I have a pretty consistent release! Took pics with Nicholas' phone; will upload them when he sends them over to me.

Bye for now... :)

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