Sunday, October 24, 2004

I am supposed to be writing my research paper for SE1101E which is due tomorrow. But, we all know that Gerri never does what she's supposed to do when she's supposed to do it. Hence the reason why I get into this kind of shit all the time.

"This kind of shit" refers to last-minute work, stuff that can't be completed, and stuff that I can't even *START*; take for example said research paper, which currently has my name, matriculation number, module code and title on it.

Absolute joy. What an achievement.

Felt completely useless just staring at the computer screen thinking of what to write, so I've come here to blog, under the strange, vague and thoroughly ridiculous notion that it might inspire *something*. ANYTHING. Relevant, that is. -_-

Got so boring about an hour ago that I started blasting my newly acquired techno. And the most damn stupid thing happened.

I fell asleep.

WTF?!?!!! What kind of stupid idiot manages to fall asleep with techno blasting out from the speakers just in front of her???

So, gave up. Switched off the techno. Switched to my classic and modern rock tracks. "Hallowed Be Thy Name" by Cradle of Filth is a suitably close depiction of how I'm feeling right now. If you've never heard of that song before, it's an Iron Maiden cover that has morbid lyrics and contains a lot of screaming. Now you know what I mean, no?

Just looked at my blank research paper again. Doing my paper on Indonesian art, with emphasis on wayang kulit and gamelan music. I'm just ASKING for a bloody F grade, since one of my lecturers loves Indonesian art and wayang kulit and gamelan; he'll pick my essay apart line by line and word by bloody word till there won't even be enough left to put back together, let alone fill a matchbox.

Archery training yesterday. Have decided that if I'm to be saddled with my current bow for quite some time to come, I'm going to name it "Bloodsucker". It's starting to hit me. The bowstring, that is. My left forearm looks very morbid at the moment. It looks like I took a small knife and poked viciously at various parts of it.

Ben's bow broke (again) yesterday. Well, okay, it didn't really "break"; the groove that holds the string in place just snapped off and bounced all over the floor when he shot the arrow, only this time it came off from the lower bow limb. The last time, the one on the upper limb came off.

And Zhicong's bow made the most spectacular break that I have EVER seen. The whole limb just bent and cracked and even the smooth white veneer was cracked into thin splinters. Ouch.

Friday evening was quite fun.. clubroom got all quiet and relatively deserted by about 6 pm, so I could study.. Got a bit of soci reading done, but my mind started to stray by the time it was 7. Stupid brain.

Steven had lost his wallet then too; 'course, he was worried about the documents and cards inside. It's interesting to note that in our society, it's not enough for you to just exist-- there must be documents and records to prove that you exist.

Shall get back to my research paper now. Focus....

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