Friday, January 28, 2005

Doing a short post before I pop over to SRC to shoot for a while; then I'll fletch my last three arrows, just in case I need extra for tomorrow. I've already set aside the six best ones that I usually shoot with already, anyway.

Good news is that score is still improving: yesterday it was 275 out of 360 for 6 ends of 6, from a distance of 30m with an 80 cm target. I hope it doesn't turn out to be a fluke sorta thing and it'll drop drastically or something during the NTU Shoot tomorrow.

Speaking of which... it starts at 8 am tomorrow. CRAP. And NTU is pretty much out of the way of ANYWHERE. *Double* CRAP.

I'm gonna have to wake up at bleeding 5 am again. Argh... o_O

Oh yeah. Ivan's post just reminded me... we've found yet another thing to amuse ourselves with. :P

Remember the clubroom now has a PS2? Well, (year 1) Clement brought a few of his own PS2 games one day, one of which is Dynasty Warriors; I assure you, that game is a hell of a lot of fun. Running around and "just whack(ing)" (as Ivan and I like to put it) provides a lot of release of tension and gratuituous violence, as I'm sure many people will probably have noticed when they play such as these.

One thing that is very laughable however, in this game, is that it's set in the time period of the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, in Imperial China, but the voice actors ALL have American accents.

The funny thing here isn't just that you have Chinese people speaking flawless, American English; it's more the fact that at the time period during which the game is set, America wasn't even discovered yet. :D

Ivan and I have started and played one new game on our own, and according to Steven (who's finished the game by now and who knows the whole story about the Romance of the Three Kingdoms), the two of us have played quite far pretty fast. :D

Don't have much more to say about it, but Ivan might. I know that he's drafting a disgustingly SUPER-LONG post at the moment about the whole lot of people in Arts Club who've gotten fascinated with this game, which is just hunkering down in his lappie, waiting for him to copy and paste and spring it onto his blog and inflict his madness on the world. :P

All right. Guess that's it for now.

Shall make my way down to SRC. Maybe I'll fletchmy arrows first before shooting, considering how terribly bright the sun's shining at the moment... I'll be baked alive. O_O

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